After an excessive amount of head banging, hair pulling, table hitting, and wondering if death could fix this, Harry slumps off to find Malfoy.

Only after spotting Malfoy next to the fire in the common room and walking up does Harry realize he has hardly any socializing skills anymore and just stares at him for a long moment. He decides on shoving the letter from Dumbledore into Malfoy's chest.


Several minutes later, Malfoy rips his eyes from the parchment and kills the uncomfortable silence with an awkward cough.

Forgetting how to speak properly, Harry just stares.

"I guess we're going to be spending a lot of time together", Harry says slowly, "At least you can't talk", he added quietly.

Malfoy simply shrugged, masking his emotions so Harry would think he didn't heard the last part.

Harry silently sits down next to him and takes out some homework for charms that was due almost a week ago.
He is stiff and uncomfortable for the first few hours but slowly learns to ignore Malfoy's presence (He doesn't notice the blonds frequent curious looks in his direction). But even after several hours he's hardly gotten any work done and he's feeling progressively more and more useless and wishes he could just be alone.

Or die but


The day passes quite uneventfully, with few words spoken - mainly because Malfoy doesn't have the opportunity, and rather has to write down anything he needs to say - until ten in the evening.

Malfoy wants to go to the library, and efficiently ignores Harry's persistent groans about, "just wanting to go to bed".

Once they're there, Harry learns Malfoy only wanted to come here to look in the restricted sections to find "something worth reading".

The library is fairly deserted apart from a few students - those with last minute studying or homework to get done - and they quietly make their way to the restricted section, until a petite third year boy stops them.

"Mr. Draco - er Malfoy, sir", he sputters "would you mind getting this book for me? It's on one of the top shelves and I, um, can't quite reach it".

Malfoy turns to face the boy and smiles politely, earning him a nervous smile in return. He saunters up to where the boy is standing and points to a book on the self, as if to ask 'this one?'

Effortlessly he reaches up, wraps his fingers around the spin and lifts it gently to put it on the shelf above.
He puts it down and calmly shoves it back as far as his long arm allows.
"no wait"

The third year, stunned, ogles back and forth between Malfoy and Harry. He stops his gaze and Harry and utters a weak, "wha..?" with his jaw practically on the floor. But Harry is busy trying desperately not to snort, and covering his mouth.

Malfoy gives the boy a solemn nod and strolls away into the next aisle.

Following Malfoy, Harry allows himself to think, maybe, out of pure amusement, this won't be quite as bad as he imagined it would.


Hi I forgot to mention that this is an AU where Dumbledore is alive.

Changed - DrarryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora