Chapter 41-Goodbye

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"I need to know if you've moved on" I break the silence between Noel and I, he didn't like what I had said to him but this was the only way I could be with Liam knowing that I didn't have to worry about Noel trying to ruin it, this game we'd been playing had been going on for too long and I was ready for it to end even if it meant having to loose Noel completely. He stands up from the sofa backing me into the corner of the room, I'd seen Noel get mad before and it never scared me but this time he was scaring me; "I've told you this once, and I'll tell you again" He begins pointing his finger in my face "I'll never move on from you, I don't care if you're with rkid till' the day he fucking dies, I love you" Noel shouts, tears form in my eyes as I stare into his light blue eyes "I don't love you" I reply pushing him away from me leaving the room. I run back into the big dressing room trying to find Liam, once my eyes lock on him I run up grabbing him and hug him tightly "What's wrong, Ivy?" He asks gripping me tight as the tears fall from my eyes onto his jacket "What the fuck did rkid say?" Liam says "I'm gunna kill him!" Noel walks into the room giving Liam a look which wasn't good. "What the fuck did you say to 'er Noel?" Liam shouts at him "That's between her and I" Noel shouts back, Liam pushes me off him staggering over to Noel going right in his face "Liam don't" I call to him "If you laid a fuckin' hand on 'er I'll clip ya" Liam shouts putting his fist up to Noel "Do it, and see how far you get" Noel says. I couldn't handle seeing them fight like this, I got up grabbed my things that I had brought with me and leaving, I didn't want to be the reason for Oasis splitting and I wasn't about to be the reason. For their sake, I needed to be out of their lives completely. I hailed a taxi to take me back home, as we pulled out of the car park I watched out the window at the Manchester arena.

"Goodbye my loves" I whispered to myself. 



continue Ivy's love journey with the Gallagher's in the sequel "Until The Morning Light" .

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