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Your POV

"I miss him." I heard Hope say to Hayley. Sighing I brought out my journal.


Yeah Hope hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows like she used to be, but she'd never tell me why. No one did. Not even Will, and he was practically my brother. I heard Hope crying sometimes at night, telling Hayley she missed 'him', whoever 'him' is, I guess he died.

Hope got sent to some special boarding school. I took one look at it, and said no. I wasn't going to a school like that. I didn't want to. If people knew I had these powers... they would freak. I told Hayley that and she told me that it was safer, and to at least go until eight grade. So I did.

Will went with us, and as soon as eighth grade ended, I enrolled in a public high school in Mystic Falls, and Will went with me. I could sense a lot of bad happened here, but it was the closest one to the boarding school, and Hayley wanted Will, Hope and I to be close together. Will and I stayed in the boarding house with Hope, with the permission of Caroline, one of the founders.

She's really sweet, and honestly the most patient person there. Alaric, another founder, isn't as patient, but he's a lot of fun.

To be honest I got in a lot of trouble in the first years of high school. I was always out helping the supernatural community, and I could never focus because I had holes in my memories I was trying to fill. Faces and voices I didn't recognize.

I remember when I was three, and falling out of a tree. A man I don't know, or rather can't remember helped me. I remember after Hope magically got better, and the Hollow left her, I had gone unconscious, probably because of the amount of magic aura.

At least that's what Freya said. Just Freya. Aunt Freya to Hope I think. I don't know her last name, but that's all I remember. Most of my childhood is gone, and I was mad about that, but not anymore. There's no point in being angry.

Now I've got my act together. I made some new friends at my school. Two humans, three werewolves (including Will), a witch, and two vampires. I couldn't have asked for better friends. I turn 16 tomorrow, and I'm not excited at all. I've never liked my birthdays. I've never had biological family to celebrate with. At least I can't remember one. All I know is I had a brother. His name was Jackson. He died in an accident.

All I can remember are Will, Hope, and Hayley. There are names too, all with a common last name. I think I wrote about them somewhere, but I lost my first journal after the whole incident with Hope.

I've been writing in journals ever since, because I'm afraid of losing my memories again.

Oh and by the way just to remember, the names are; Elijah Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, and Klaus Mikaelson. Perhaps they were my family.


Just as I finished writing the names, there was a knock at my door. "Can I come in?" I hear Hope voice from behind my door. "Sure" sure I stared as I put my journal under my pillow. "What's up?" I asked once she was sitting on my bed.

"So, I know you don't like your birthdays-" I groaned, interrupting her. "Hold on, hold on! That's why I told mom it would be just you, me and Will. We'll go out, get dinner and cake incognito at a restaurant, and come home to watch movies. Sound good?" She asked. I looked at her and smiled. "You know me so well!" I said hugging her. She laughed and hugged me back.

Will then came in and jumped on the bed too. "So ladies, what are we gossiping about?" He said, imitating an overly exaggerated teenage girl's voice. "Not gossiping, just birthday planning." I said. "Ah, I take it Hope here filled you in then?" He asked, resting his arm on her shoulder. She visibly tensed, and then blushed.

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