#2 Ruining your plans

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I look at myself from the mirror. I have my hear closed, a dark make-up and a tight dress that shows my curves. I'm going to my friend's birthday party, without Niall. There will be like hundred people and i really don't even like big parties. I take my purse and walk out of our bedroom. Niall is sitting on the couch playing with his phone but he immediately turns to look at me when i walk to him. I twirl around to present my dress. Niall bites his bottom lip and grins to me.

-Wow, you look absolutely gorgeous. he whispers walking to me.

-Thank you Niall, i smile. He lets his hands wander down to my back and brings his face close to mine. Then he presses his lips against mine. It's definitely not a small good bye-kiss.

-Niall i have to go, i mumble against his lips. I think he doesn't care about it at all because he starts to kiss my neck and keeps his hands strongly around me.

-Niall, i try but i think my voice is not very convincing anymore. He's making it so well i can't resist him. I mean nobody could.

-You don't have to go, he answers against my shoulder.

-And i made myself to look like this in vain? i laugh to him.

-No, for me, Niall grins back. I can't help myself. His ands on my waist feels so good and his soft lips.. He's kissing me roughly now knowing that he's winning. I know it too. There's no way this could be ended anymore.

-Honey, this is your fault, i whisper.

-Well, i can live with that, Niall says pressing me against the wall. To be honest this is hundred times better option than a party. I hope they won't miss me.

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