No proposals allowed

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With the help of a rat a dog and stabilo, I made Brandon dinner. Sadly Marian is coming over, most likely to sleep over and Fred is too. Being the good chef I am, I know how to hid undesirables in food. Just for precaution I made two completely different casseroles.

‘Dinner is served!’ I cheered

They eyed the food greedily. I smiled as Marian to her share and shoved it into her mouth .

‘This actually isn’t that bad’ she commented

I smiled ‘Thank you’ she gave me a wild eyed look. As you can tell I don’t like her that much.

I turned to the girly, messy, slob that is my brother ‘Angela ’I said sweetly ‘You haven’t touched your food’

We made eye to eye contact as he spoke ‘because I don’t trust you’

‘Try it babe. It’s totally like delish’ Marian encouraged

Oh how I want to punch her in that pearly white mouth. The things we do for family.

Angie slowly raised the fork to him mouth and ate ‘Not bad, sis’

I grinned from ear to ear. That’ll teach you to give me pink hair, idiot!

After we finished eating I was left to put up the dishes. Everyone had wiped their plates clean.

‘I’ll see you upstairs’ Marian said to my brother. I suppose that was to be seductive but sadly that didn’t work out very well.

Freddy had gone to set up a movie in the living room and so it was just us twins.

‘Thanks for dinner, Urkle.’ Brandon gave his signature smirk that radiated arrogance which only means : ‘ Oh and by the way’ I may or may not have dumped your underwear in stabiles tank’ he added

The little bugger! Yet I’m the evil one.

‘Don’t thank me Angie, thank stabilo the rat and the dog for the crap in your food along with the tun of laxative. Have fun times with your girlfriend’ I gave a sickeningly sweet ‘Enjoy!’

I left him there dumbfounded with an open jaw.

Ok maybe I am evil

‘You are evil’ Fred commented as I sat next to him

‘ Have you forgotten the time Angie glued my draws shut so I couldn’t get to my clothes  or the superglue in my headgear that took me all day to get off and please let’s not forget the crap sandwich I got like a month ago. Have you seen my hair lately?’ I argued ‘It was payback long due.’

Fred kissed the top of my head as a response and then he went for my lips but I pushed him away

‘You just ate’ I said ‘ go brush your teeth’

Did I mention being a germaphobe? Well I am. I honestly don’t see the point of swapping spit with a dirty mouth total mood killer.

‘You seriously need a shrink’ Fred shouted as he went to the bathroom

‘My craziness is why you love me’ I replied

‘You’re right’ he agreed

In the meantime I searched for a movie 'What should we watch’ I called out

‘Something romantic’ he replied

Okay think like a man it is.

After both of us brushed our teeth we began fooling around ‘Think like a man’ playing in the background. I was working my way up to remove Fred's pants. Tonight would be that big step, well at least for me. You see I didn’t want anyone to know I still have my v-card and so I fake everything but not tonight. I had realized that the movie went to commercial.

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