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Peter and [Y/N] had been close friends for as long as either of them could remember.

Over the years many people had teased them for being so close and spread many rumours saying that they were dating.

Peter and [Y/N] have told everyone countless times that they aren't dating but nobody really seemed to believe them.

Yes, Peter was [Y/N]'s first kiss (as was she his) but that wasn't romantic.

You see, they were in third grade and everyone in their class had been kissed.

Peter and [Y/N] were just curious to find out what the big fuss was about, so they just kissed.

Totally platonic, no romantic feelings what so ever...

Peter and [Y/N] just had one of those friendships...

Maybe there are a few romantic feelings hidden way deep down but neither of them of them wanted to them up anytime soon....

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