Chapter 0: Recommendation

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In a room where a red-haired person is going through files of soldiers that have a red stamp as he sighs and places his head on the table

Red-haired person: "It's impossible for anyone to pass this."

Suddenly his door is opened to reveal a soldier, with folders in his hands and places it on his desk

Soldier: "Countries from all around the world are sending in their best soldiers to join your squad."

The red-haired person lifts his head from his desk and takes a quick look at the files and nods

Red-haired person: "Hmmmmmm, they seem promising, and im glad there are females who are trying, it's annoying whenever it's just males alone."

Soldier: "Sir, the other countries discussed something together and have agreed to something." The soldier hands the red head a file with a text in big red letters "HIGHLY EXTREMELY CLASSIFIED"

The red head then nodded and the soldier saluted and left the room, the red head then took a look at the files and his eyes widen


He then slams the files on his desk and punches the wall creating a small crater in the wall

He pinches the bridge of his nose "Those............ UGH!!! I am going to kill them for doing this if I get the chance."

He then sits back on his seat and leans back on it as he stares at the celling

"I seriously hate those guys.........."

He then sits upright and takes a look at the details of the files, for the most part it was pretty basic to him, special forces from all countries and states with tons of military experience and pretty plain backgrounds. He took a look at the female files and found that they seemed more advanced than the males files and that their backgrounds were more tragic than some of the males files. He finished reading the files and placed them to the side and closed his eyes for a bit until he opened his eyes to see a f/c folder and raised his eye brow in confusion

"Could have sworn I read all the files.....oh well."

He takes the file and opened it to see a picture of a h/c haired boy with e/c eyes and he read the information seeing the boy's name was Y/N L/N and he seemed interested in the information of the boy and then he got to his backstory

"Y/N L/N lived a life where he traveled to every country, every state and every island. His parents were both military and were high ranked officials, they didn't want to leave their child in order to go to other places, so they brought him with them wherever they went. The boy inherited his parent's gene, for the interest in the military. This lead him to start learning about guns and the military at a very young age, his parents lectured him on everything about guns and the military and how it works. Soon enough he was old enough to enlist in the military and he did an outstanding job in his training, going farther than what was required than the requirements for the training, although his parents werent able to see him graduate because they died on a mission, he also was enlisted to every special service ever know, famous or not, and he passed all of them without a problem. He quickly rose through the ranks with flying colors, but he also kept falling from the ranks as well because a lot of the time he kept on doing things that weren't by the book to save others or to lessen casualties. They all worked, but the higher ups were not happy about it, so he was constantly given promotions and demotions very often."

The red head closed the file and placed it in front of him

"Hmmmmmm, he could be the one, but I will have to see for myself soon."

He then stands up and walks out the door of his office and he looks back at Y/N's file then the door closes and all suddenly turned pitch black

The grand order squad of fate (Male reader x Female soldiers)Where stories live. Discover now