Chapter 2: Freedom of randomness

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Y/N pov

I wake up and sit up and look around me to see that the girls are still sleeping and that the sun is barely rising and I exit the room and go to the roof, luckily there was a map otherwise I never would have found the roof.

I opened the door to the roof and see the commander standing at the edge just staring out to the sunrise, he then turned and looked at me

"Nice view right?" He said smiling

"Yeah, it's really amazing." I say smiling as well

He looks back to the view and I sit on the ledge staring out to the view and admiring it, it felt as if it was my first time seeing time seeing a sunset, it wasn't, I have seen many sunsets but this is the first one that feels special. Probably because I'm not in a battle, unfortunately, every time I see a sunset I always corpse on the ground ruining the great view

"You know, this is one of the best things about this place, another one is that is kinda far away from civilization and the media are not allowed to come here or to interact with us, so basically the media can't touch us." He says

"Amen to that." I say

"Yep." He says

"Sir? How did you become the commander of this squad?" I ask

He sighs and pats head "The answer to that question will come in due time, but answer me this.

To be or not to be? That is the question, but what are we to be and what are we not to be, does thou seeketh an answer when thy doesn't have a question in mind?" He smirks and walks to the door

"You know your Shakespearean language is pretty bad." I said

"Yeah yeah, I only read Romeo and Juliet and Julius Caesar, I haven't read Macbeth and the other books yet, though I will soon." He said and I chuckled at his words

"Also private L/N, report to the shatter dome in 2 hours and be ready for your next orders."He says

(If you can get where this is from, the first person to answer will get a shout out in the next chapter and will get a special OC slot in this book. But to pass the challenge wont be easy you need to get several refrences.)

I nodded and he closed the door and I went back to watch the view of the sun rising and watched it for hour and looked away and covered my eyes and rolled around the roof screaming "MY EYES!!! MY EYES!!!"

(Another reference, but from where?)

A male voice then shouted "EXCUSE ME, CAN'T YOU SEE SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!!!"


"OH NOW YOUR ON MY SIDE!!!" the first one says


(Another refrence, what is it?)

"I'M A BANANA!!!" another male voice says

"CHICKEN!!!" another on says

(What refrence is this?)

"OK THAT'S IT." the first voice says

"I'M A BRAVE BOY!!!" a random male says

Silence, until


(Can anyone guess, this one should be easy.)

You then hear a clanging noise of metal

You then here some muffled talking between a male and female about homwork and that one of them will be killing others or something like, then

"That's right, thanks brain, I forgot how socially inept I am." a random voice said that your sure you heard before, maybe a bit too much

You then hear the other male say something about the female hearing what he said

"Hi Rin, I think your cute and also you scare me!" the same voice said as the female outside said something like "I get that!"

(Anyone know?)

You then hear someone say "He created all the skills in this game, I gotta beat him with my own skills, I need to go faster!!!"

(This should be very familiar to a lot of you people... Also, this is where you will type in all your answers so that it's easier to see if your correct or wrong)

You were very weirded out by all of this and you then noticed that it was 30 minutes till you are to meet the commander and so you made your way there

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