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"I'm sorry my beloved.."

-Lexi's POV
Today is the 4th year anniversary of the relationship I'm in with Jungkook. Friday, July 27th the day fate decided it was time for the two star-crossed lovers to finally be together; Or that's what I believe...

Jungkook has quite often been out of the house. More so than usual, Jungkook has been out for at least two days, he said it's for work with the new album coming out. He's been stating that they had been really behind with the album so he had to stay overnight to work on it. Which I understand but concerned me. I asked the members of BTS if Jungkook had been at the studio with them but, RM told me that they didn't even have to stay at the studio, they were completely ahead of the schedule and Jungkook was always going home to Me. When hearing that I begin to think, "Could he possibly- No he would never."

Time skip to the next day

I come back from a hard day of work to finally see Jungkook. On the couch on his phone. "Jungkook?!" I scream. He looked up to see me and said, "Oh, Hi Lexi." He says with a blank expression then looking back down at his phone smiling. I brush it off as if it was just a phase for idols, but then I begin to see blush to form on his face. With a puzzled look, I snatched the phone out of his hands to see the lyrics he was writing. "H-Hey!!" Jungkook yelled he squirms causing his blush to become redder. "Hu- Oh... this must be the lyrics to the new song sorry for taking your phone," I reply momentarily. Then handed him the phone. "Hehe, maybe it's dedicated you." He winked. I giggle and blush at his little joke. Jungkook looks at his clock to see it was nearly 6 PM. He shakes his head and said, "Sorry babe I have to go to the studio I forgot we have to work on this song and- ughh I promise I'll make time for you tomorrow." I exhale replying, "Again, you always say, 'I promise.' even when you won't ever have the time to even have a full blown conversation with me. It's just really hard to trust you at times like these." "Baby look at me I'm telling the truth to you I'm working hard on my song just for you now I have to go I'll text you when I'm coming back, Love you." He replies holding her hands then slowly letting go. It seems like what he just Jungkook beings to walk out closing the door along the way. Making his way to the car. I go up to the cabinets to grab a styrofoam cup called, "Cup Of Noodles." Filled with noodles and a soup seasoning. ((Idk)) I begin to take off the seal halfway. I turn on the faucet for tap water and begin to put water into the cup until the mark which was indicated in the instructions. I put it in the microwave for three minutes and wait. In the meantime, I decided to watch some K-drama.

-Jungkook's POV
As I said goodbye to Lexi I closed the door on my way out. I got in the car and started the engine. I put on my seatbelt for safety. I begin to drive out of the garage then I turn the steering wheel to my right causing the wheels to mimic. I reversed, then drive forward.

I made my way downtown to meet my girlfriend, Jessica. Unlike Lexi, she has much more to contribute. She's perfect, she's far smarter than Lexi as well as beautiful, she is also beyond perfect with her figure. She's just everything I desire.

Timeskip to when he's at her apartment

I finally get to her apartment. I walk up to her door and knock. I look down to notice this time is 7:24 PM. I hear her call, "I'm coming!" After a good two minutes, she comes in the most elegant dress. Her body very much perfection. With her hair down and everything. My heart had just melted. Jessica then asked, "So, you ready?" I nodded.
She grips onto my hand and begins to go out.

We spend most of the time out at the park having a late night picnic. Cuddle each other and having the time of our lives. After a while, I checked my phone to see the time being 12:09 AM. Jessica had been in my lap sleeping. I tapped her softly to wake her up. Jessica then sits up whipping her eyes whining, "It's already day?" I reply, "No dear it's only twelve, I was just wondering if you wanted a midnight snack." She giggled and said, "Yeah sure." We both got up and grabbed our items. We then began to drive to a local store opened 24 hours.

-Lexi's POV
It's 12:29 A.M. I'm still awake watching my favorite K-drama, "Was It Really Meant To Be" Almost halfway into the latest episode I hear my stomach grumble. I open the cabinet to see it empty. I ate the last cup of noodles shoot. I shake my head and being to grab my jacket and get in my SUV.

I begin to drive down to one of the stores that are always open. And as I was about to go out one of the first things I see is two people making out; not just that but one person in that make out session had seemed to be my boyfriend, or now to be my ex. My subconscious mind kicks in and decides to go up and have a chat with him. I knock on the window and they both notice. Jungkook then comes out of the car to be quite confused and scared. "What the hell are you doing with this girl Jungkook? You said you were going to work on the album but, you decide to lie and leave me for her! What's wrong with me? Huh?" I yell enraged. "Lexi look at me-," Jungkook says holding my hands. I pull away and slap his hands out of mine. "No, I can't. What you did is so horrible! I can't believe you do this to your one girlfriend that you've been dating for the last 4 years, what? Have you been doing this all the time when a new album comes out?!" Tears begin to roll down my cheeks. "No Lexi I-." I cut him off, "No I get it you like her over me that's fine I'll find someone better that will actually love me and not cheat on me and once I do I promise I'll prove you." I say with an intense glare on my face on both the girl and jungkook. I then turn around not taking any glances behind me as I walk away to my car then leaving. I have no remorse for what he did I will not give him mercy.

I begin to drive my way home forgetting to get my snack from the rage I had. Once I get home god, my heart just broke. My heart poured out all of its pain. Crying and crying hours upon hours. My heart had never ached so much before why? Isn't like the rest? I guess not.

-Jungkook's POV
Before I could do anything. I was left, the girl I loved truly not for looks nor money had just left me. Tears begin to roll down my face constantly, nonstop. Jessica came to help me but I pushed her away and ran off. I ran to the place I had told her I loved her. Now all of my hopes and dreams are gone. I should've never cheated. If only my friends didn't talk about Lexi so negatively and say that so many girls were better than her. I should of voiced that I was happy, but I didn't again I'm sorry. I then mumble to myself as a tear drops done to the floor, "I'm sorry my beloved..."

Time skip to two years later

-Lexi's POV
It's been 2 years since I had cut off the relationship with Jungkook. I found someone better than Jeon Jungkook. I kept my promise, his name is Jisung. He is the kindest and sweetest person I've ever met. He understands my pains in a way you couldn't Jungkook. And he had never cheated on me. Today Monday, July 30th we went out on our special date. Out to the park where we first met one year ago. We went and looked around. Many others were there as well. As we were looking at the roses, I had seen someone familiar in the corner of my eye. They had brown hair and brown eyes with a quite fit body. As they got closer I had noticed it was my ex, Jungkook. Jungkook greeted, "Hey Lexi! It's been a while.." he trailed off as he scratched the back of his neck. "Hey" I respond. "Oh! Hello, might I ask who are you?" Jungkook asked looking at Jisung "Oh, I'm Jisung, Lexi's Boyfriend. You?" Jisung greets "I'm Jungkook her 'friend'." Jungkook says. "Well anyways it was nice to see you! I actually wasn't expecting to see you here but Lexi, I need to ask you something." "Yeah sure," I reply. He pulls me aside and asks me, "Look, I know, this is late—but I wanted to know if we could possibly get back. Okay, back then I was oblivious, I was dumb, I didn't know what true love was, I thought you were something that I could use to look better or cooler. But the truth is your not, you're a person with real feelings like me and everyone here. Again I'm sorry please give me another chance." "Jungkook, I don't think you're the one for me. I think you've grown from the breakup and it thinks now that you have its time for you to move on from me. Like how I did to you. Maybe look for someone else, I'm sorry but I just don't have any interest in you anymore." I reply. "Well thanks for everything Lexi, I love you," Jungkook mumbles as he walks away.
//OKAAAAYY OMG IM FINALLY DONE LEXI WHY DID YOU LEAVE THE CALL I TOLD YOU IM ALMOST DONE!! AHHH NOW CALL ME BACKKK this took me way too long to type and it's almost 2000 words help MyBabyJisung //

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