Chapter 1; The Best Biker

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A/N : This is a really quick decision that I made. I was going to wait to post a whole different book in 2019 and not start anything new so basically, I said fuck it and I started this new book. This first chapter was sitting in my notes forever. Yeah, Enjoy I guess. Hope you like it.


My breathing is harsh. The helmet over my head is heavy. Looking through the tinted visor I see the evenly paved track in front. My hands are covered by my black gloves giving me the ultimate grip on the handles. I scope the area even though there's no need. It's a force of habit.I've been here enough times to picture the track in my head. The image serves as a map. I notice how it loops around. Where it loops. Where the turns are. I pinpoint the exact place where I need to slow down and where I need to pick up my speed. I look over to my right and see a bright green motorcycle.It's Dan. He's an idiot, but he's good at racing. I roll my eyes before turning back to look straight ahead. I take a deep breath feeling the vibrating motorcycle beneath me. I look straight ahead and the countdown is pulsing, flashing red. 3... 2.. 1... GO! I zoom forward at top speed. I can feel the force of the wind pushing against me. I accelerate, going faster. I ride the bike as if it's a part of me. I control it the same way it can control me. We are one.

I keep my eyes focused as I go onto the second lap. I'm ahead of everyone. As I near the bend in the track, I spot a biker coming up behind me. I take a deep breath in and keep going pushing forward. Still in first place, I finish the second lap and I continue to the third and final lap. I tilt the bike when rounding a bend. My body just about skimming the ground. I tilt it back into the normal position and push forward going along the last stretch of the track. I grip the handles tighter as I near the finish line. My one and only focus. And finally, I drive past. In first place. When I skid to a stop, I jump off and walk over to the guys, bike in hand.

"Well done, man." Jeremy pats my shoulder with his helmet already off which shows off his dark shiny hair which is amplified in the blazing sun giving off a natural shine.

I cough."Thanks" I say imitating a guy's voice.

"You should come by more often," Dan speaks taking his helmet off. His hair a mess from being under the helmet. His blond hair sticking up in all directions. He lifts his arm and pats his hair with his hand, attempting to fix it.

"Maybe" I shrug.

Truth is I come here way often than the boys do. I'm on my own most of the time, it's good to race against actual opponents rather than going at it by yourself. One thing's holding me back is that I can't get my cover blown. The more often I spend time with the guys the more likely it is that my cover will be blown. You never know. I have enough on my plate without getting this taken away from me. I mutter my goodbyes and give them a shake of the hand. I mastered it not long ago. A stern shake. Sometimes I'll even go for the handshake. That's unusual though, even they know it.

I walk away with my bike in hand, rolling beside me. The less I speak the better. I drive up to my house parking my bike in the rusty shed in the back beside my first motorcycle I ever bought. It still runs and I usually use it on the main roads. It's all black the same as my racing bike. Just with a little less va va voom to it.

I walk back up to the front of my house. I look up at the worn down building that I call my home. I walk inside and I'm instantly greeted by Bella. I kneel down and let her lick my face. I run my hands along her short coarse fur. I notice the splotches of darkness on her coat it's most likely dirt from outside.

A voice cuts in while I'm giving Bella a good scrub behind her ear. "Hey,"

I look up to see Gina. My best friend. She's more of a sister really. Gina is the person who has stuck by me in everything I have ever done. She's seventeen-a year older than me. We grew up together but our childhood was not like most. We were raised in The Junk, which is the bad side of the city. It's not the best place to be and especially to live. Everyone has committed a crime. You won't find a single soul in there that hasn't done something. Whether they got caught or not. It's the drug zone of the city, guns are shot at night, fights always break out. It's the norm. The houses where people live are just abandoned houses or factories that have been rebuilt by those who wish to stay and live. The furniture was the only new thing that was bought. The outside is not pretty, but the inside is gorgeous. Always the best, but it's almost always messy. Gina and I were always friends, I can't remember a time when we weren't. Gina is the strongest person I've ever known. She has gone through so much in her life but still, she keeps her head up and makes the best out of everything. I look up to her - literally- she's taller than me.

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