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            Dean and Sam had arrived in the town just an hour outside Sioux Falls. They had followed the trail of the Trickster to a warehouse. The boys walked into the warehouse and were greeted by Gabriel sitting in a luxurious chair eating a chocolate bar.

            “Gabriel,” Sam said, “We should’ve known it was you.”

            “Hiya boys,” Gabriel greeted cheerfully, “Where’s Cassie?”

            “Sick,” Dean responded, “What are you doing here Gabriel?”

            “What do you mean he’s sick?” a voice behind them said and the boys turned to see Gabriel standing there. When they looked back at where they had been sitting they saw the whole set up was gone. Turning back, they found Gabriel standing right in front of them.

            “What’s wrong with Castiel?” he demanded.

            “We don’t know,” Sam said, “He’s sick, has been for about two weeks now.”

            “Where is he?” Gabriel asked.

            “Why the hell should we tell you?” Dean asked.

            “Either you tell me where he is or I will tear apart everywhere you have ever been to find him,” Gabriel said, and from his tone they knew he was serious.

            “Are you gonna hurt him?” Dean asked, “Cause if you hurt him I swear…” But Gabriel was gone before he could finish his threat.

            “Where did he go?” Sam asked and Dean shrugged. Just then, Sam’s phone rang and he and Dean looked each other nervously.

            “Hello?” Sam said hesitantly.

            “Why the hell is there an archangel in my house?” Bobby shouted.

            “He was the trickster we were hunting,” Sam explained, “We’re on our way back. Just make sure he doesn’t hurt Cas.” The boys ran back out to the car and zoomed off.

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