Chapter 1~ New life

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Five years later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

During these years the has met many people and train with hundreds of people. Her hair got longer and she wears a jacket that looks the same but bigger. She now wears short shorts with her jacket. She also has bandages around he calfs and feet. almost like socks.

Luna's P.O.V

I was walking int the forest with one of my best friends, Nobu. Nobu is a giant wolf , probaly the size of me. He has amazingly solf fur, that is a light orange color. His stomach and the bottem of his neck is white. He has two tatoo looking things, that is a darker orange then his fur. It looks kind of lie a yin yang sign. One is on the side of his face at his jaw line and the other one is on his side, front , leg.

Anyway Nobu and I are walking when out of nowhere, kunai were thrownat me out of the abyss of the forest. I barley dogded the kunai, whoa that was sudden. I heard Nobu growl loudly, " Come on, lets get out of here." He said.

" Nah, We can take them." I said back to Nobu. He sighed, "......Fine"

" COME ON OUT AND FIGHT ME IN PERSON, YOU COWARD!!!!!!!!!!! " I shout really loudly. Nobu sighed again. This person needs to come out here so i can kick his ass.

It might seem as i am one of those people who are full of themselves and like to go stright into a battle without a plan, but I am not one of those people. I am only one right now because i am EXTREELY bored and i want to kill some one, maybe give the meat of the body to the pack. Also I am very open with the wolves I know.

Then this guy came out of the woods and got in a fighting position. While me on the other hand is just standing there,calmly stareing at the guy in front of me. He sure does look intimeidateing let me tell you that. If i wasnt who i am now i would haved pissed my pants.

I look at his head band and it says hes a sound ninja. huh? thats wierd? we are in the land of fire. I guess they are just on a mission or something.

He runs up to me at a quick paste, but not fast enought. I made hand signs so fast that not even the sharingan could see it."Shadow clone jutsu" i say quitely. I jump up in to the air and landed on a branch, at a cose tree. You know whats cool, its when i make shadow clones, they dont smoke when summend. He never knew that i made a clone. He has a kunai in his hand but before he can get to 'me' . I jump down to the ground a quickly snapped his neck.


His dead, mosionless, body falls to the ground with a thump. Nobu sighed again, really i should ask him if he's ok or something. he's been doing that alot today.

"We should get going Luna, I'm to tired to fight today.Its to troublesome." Nobu said. I chuckle at his catchphrase he always says."No your just to lazy."

"Sure why not" he says yawning. What? That doesn't make sence...? oh well. I learned to not question his logic. im always confused with this wolf.

Me and Nobu start to head out in till a giant shuriken was thrown, from the forest, and it stuck itself in my outer thigh. Ohh that is soooo deep, if i take it out now i might bleed out. ouch! I yelped out of pain.Not soon after he was dead by a certain overprotective yellow/orange wolf.

"Let's go!" he growled. I slowly nodded. "m-my l-l-leg-g hurt-ts" I whimpered out. Nobu came over to me to examine my wound. " ouch. That's deep. I think it's better if we not take it out yet. ok? ...but we're gonna have to something we would both hate." He stated trying to not go on a killing spree.

"W-w-what's th-that?" I say weakly. I hope that he doesn't mean go to a ...human village. " we are gonna go to a nearby village to get medical help. No protesting. We are going."

I would have yelled at him or something but I felt to weak. I think I lost to much blood. I really tried to arge with him but it just comes out as small whimpers. I tried to get up but failed, I fell back down on to my knees. Nobu came to me and laid down so I could get on his back.

His fur is so soft is what I thought about before I fell out of consioness. i am glad to have a wolf like Nobu at my side.

Nobu's P.O.V

I felt her grip loosen on my fur as I run. I hate taking her to human villages but we wolves suck at healing things. We are wolves not doctors. Sure some of us might be ninjas but that dosent mean we have thumbs to do jutsus. Only some wolves are born with powers.

So I guess we are stuck with this idea. we right now are In the land of fire and are now approaching konaha. I dont know how they would treat us. i hope they accept Luna enough to heal her.

There is only one question that stays unanswered because I never been there myself.

"Will they really help her or leave her to die?"


I know I suck at writing but who cares right? well here is the web sight address of a picture of Nobu. or maybe hes on the story. huhm i dont know

well i will update soon and it will be a longer chapter.

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