Chapter 02

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I had a total of 4 classes this semester because I really wanted to enjoy my time on campus before I started cracking down and getting serious. When I woke up Monday morning I thought for sure that there was no way that anyone else in this school was excited to get started with classes than I was. It didn't take long to realize that I was completely wrong and my long legged, talkative roommate was far more excited than I could compare to.

When I woke up at 7 in the morning, two hours before my first class even started I might add, she comes bursting through the door in a jogging suit and appeared to have been sweating heavily from the face. I sat up in bed and squinted at her to make sure that what I was seeing was real.

"How long have you been up?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Since 5! I figured out that if I want to have a social life after school and still get in my daily workouts I have to wake up every day at 5 in the morning.

I threw my legs on the edge of the bed and a chill went up my spine as my feet was suddenly exposed to the cold air. "You would think actually dancing every single day would be your workout." I muttered before getting up and walking to the bathroom.

"You would think wrong, my friend! You have to remain in tip top shape to be able to do what I do."

"It's a good thing the only thing I need to move is my fingers and feet." I yelled back as I loaded my tooth brush with tooth paste.

It was oddly strange how well Grace and I worked together this morning. Neither of us were in any kind of rush since we were both up so early in the morning but it was still kind of amazing how quickly we learned to work together.

As soon as I was done in the bathroom, we switched places. She did everything she needed to take care of in the bedroom while I washed my face and brushed my teeth and when I was done we just sort of switched. Somehow we were both done at the same time and out of the bedroom by 8:30.

"You know it's a good thing I have a map because you never did give me that tour you said we would do." I said pulling out my map from my bag.

"Didn't you get one when you first got accepted?"

"Yeah but this place is huge, I don't know how they expected us to remember it so far out." I mumbled into the map.

"You can memorize an entire ballot but god forbid you have to remember a entire school."

"Exactly! What kind of girl do they think I am?"

"You should sue."

"I will! ... As soon as I figure out where Piano Topics 101 is."

Gracie grabbed me by the elbow and so that I would notice that she stopped walking. I looked up at her and waited for her to say something.

"Ballet program is on the complete opposite end of the campus. Are you going to be okay if I leave you here?" She asked.

"Yes but if I walk into a well I'm holding you personally responsible."

"Fair enough. I'll see you later!" She called as she gracely walked away.

I was born into the era of GPS and google maps so the fact that I was able to find my way to a classroom I had never been to on a campus that I was not familiar with, completely on my own, was a major success.

No one was in the classroom yet and it was eerily quiet in the hallway so I had no one to celebrate this accomplishment with. "I need to make more friends." I muttered to myself.

Before sitting next to the classroom door with my back up against the wall, I pulled my bag up off over my shoulder. I grabbed my headphones from one of the side pockets and immediately connected it to my phone so that I could listen to a bit of music.

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