Mary Sue...ew

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Name - Queen Sparkle Rainbow Universe

Age - Old As The Universe

Gender - Attack Helicopter

Species - Rainbow galaxy super goddess demon animatronic san wolf! ((And only of her kind :3))

Power - Faster than the flash/San's power but a billion times stronger/Bendy's power but a billion times stronger/The power Too destroy the whole universes in a blink of a eye/Able too kill anyone with only one hit./Basically everyones power but a billion times stronger!

Boyfriends - San/Bendy/Funtime Foxy/Baldi/Sonic/Luigi/And everyone else in the universe

Pets - Rainbow Dragon/Unicorn/Galaxy Woof/Magical Unicat/Nyan Cat/Space Alicorn

Etc - Alice Angle's long lost sibling.

<ok i did the challenge! I think.>

<im just Imagining this>
Kid - "Look Mommy Cancer!" •points at the drawing•
Mom - "Look away dear" •covers her kids eyes and walks away quickly•

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