Chapter 16

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Destiny's Pov

"Alexa I have to tell you something" I say.

"What is it?" Alexa asked.

Ashton's Pov

It's fun that in Europe we get to tour with Alexa and Destiny. I just hope we get back together, but it won't happen since she's with Chris. I feel like an idiot for letting her go.

Someone knocked at our door so I opened it and it was Mindy. So I just shut the door in her face. Then the door bell rang so I opened the door and again it was Mindy. I just closed the door again. I sat at the couch and the door bell rang. Calum came down and was about to open it.

"Don't open it. It's that one slut I don't like" I say. Calum said okay and then Luke came down and opened it. Before I knew it Mindy just threw herself at Luke and kissed her. If Alexa and Destiny were here. Mindy would of been in the hospital by now.

"You're a better kisser than Ashton" Mindy said. Ew.

"Ew ew ew ew ew. EW DON'T TOUCH MEH! You nashty slut" Luke said wiping his mouth. Then Michael came.

"He looks hot" Mindy said biting her lip.

"But you're not. You're a slut that made my bestfriend break up with her boyfriend! Don't you have shame? How do you live your life? Wait don't answer that. I already know. So please fuck off" Michael says. Then there was another knock on the door so I opened it.

"Hello Ashton" Liz said.

"Hi!" I smile. Then I gestured her in. She came in and immediately gave Mindy a disgusted look xD.

"Who are you?" Liz asked.

"Mindy" She said.

Liz's Pov

Okay. This girl is a slut. Her boobs are popping out and her butt is showing.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Because I came for Ashypoo but then I kissed Luke. He's a good kisser" She said. Oh heck no!

"Your little slutty lips cannot touch my boy! And your Ashypoo? No. Ashton made a mistake which I understand. But you. Oh gosh. Leave. Like now" I tell Mindy.

"Listen here you old woman. You don't tell me what to do" Mindy said. Does she know who's she's messing with?!

"Do you know who I am?! I am Liz Hemmings. I will hit you with a shovel. I know how to avoid jail. I can make you go away. Now leave or I'll make you leave" I say.

"Or what?" Mindy smirked.

"Alexa! Come here" I say. Then Mindy got scared.

"H-Her?" Mindy asked. Then Michael ran upstairs and made a heel walking sound.

"This bitch is about to get a beat down" A voice recording of Alexa said. Mondy just left.

"Mum where did you get the voice recording?" Luke asked.

"Sweetie no need to ask" I laugh.

Destiny's Pov

Alexa was surprised when I told her. She didn't see it coming.

"Since when?!" Alexa asked.

"Like on the 3 day we hanged out" I say.

"Like BRUH why didn't you tell me?" Alexa asked.

"I don't know" I say.

"You should tell the boys" Alexa said.

"Okay I will" I say.

*Finally Asian Tour Is Over And They're In Europe (Italy)*

"Who do you think we'll run into here?" I ask.

"I don't know" Alexa said.

@DestinyIsMe: In Italy! Hope we see some Crazies ^.^

I sent out the tweet and heard a familiar voice.

"Dude. I think I just heard PewDiePie" I say.

"Gurl don't be stupid" Alexa said.

"Hello Lamp" A voice said. I turned around it was him. ASDFGHJKL!

"Pewds! It's you!!" I say.

"Yes it's me" Pewds said. We took a picture and talked. After that Alexa and I walked around. I heard a familiar laugh. It sounded like Ashton's. No it can't be his. We skyped this morning and he said he was on the plane. I sighed and looked around and Alexa was gone. Yay she ditched me -_- Then felt two arms around my waist. I turn my hesd and there he was. Smiling. I turned around and kissed him. He kissed me back but then we broke the kiss. I just hugged him tight.

"I missed you" I say.

"I missed you too" He says.

"Wait why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I ask.

"Because I wanted to surprise you and why did you kiss me?" Ashton asked.

"Ashton. I have to tell you something" I say.

"What is it?" Ashton asked.

"The thing with me and Chris was a lie. On the 3rd day me and him hanged out I we were just talking. So he told me if yoy need anything I'll be here for you. So the night we broke up I told Chris and he asked if he could be my 'boyfriend'. We said so you can see what you did. So it could look like I moved on. Chris is just a best friend. I miss you Ashton" I say.

"Destiny Hemmings. Will you be my girlfriend again?" He asked.

"Yes!" I say. I hugged him tight them kissed him.

"I'm glad you're mine again" Ashton smiled.

"I was always yours" I smile.

Ashton and I walked around Italy with our hands intertwined and then I saw Calum and Michael. Wait where's Luke? I ran up to them and hugged them.

"I missed you guys" I say.

"We did too" Calum smiled.

"Oh and Mindy went over to the house like a month ago but Liz made her leave" Michael said.

"I would of killed her but where's Luke?" I say.

Alexa's Pov

Yay! Dashton is back! I decided to walk around Italy and saw a pizzeria. I entered the pizzeria and ordered a pizza.

I was done with the pizza and left. I saw a beautiful river and decided to take a picture of it. Then someone poked my side and scared me. I turned around and it was Luke.

"Luke!" I hugged him.

"I see you missed me" Luke hugged back.

"I did. But don't scare me" I say. Then he just kissed me. I kissed back but Luke broke the kiss.

"Alexa want to be my princess?" Luke said.

"What?" I say. Then he stood on the bench and everybody just stared.

"Alexa Romero. Would you be my princess?" Luke said outloud. I thought about it.

"I'd be honored to" I smile. Luke spins me around then kisses me. I got a tweet notification.

Lexa is real :D #LexaIsOfficial

I smiled and Luke kissed my forehead and I smiled.

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