Versus the truth

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Marks Pov: After Ryan said to me about this guy who warned him then see him go unconscious. I said to Harris what do you think of when Ryan said this guy warned him?Harris said I don't know but we will soon know after I scan him can you help me get him to the med bay?I said yea sure.After Harris scanned Ryans Brain active is off the charts.I said is that good or bad Harris said well what do you think!Ok so  what do we do now. Harris said well we have to wait for him to wake up because his brain was only off the charts like that was when he saw the vision of the monster heart in the ocean.I said to Harris but why would he be having these visions again? He said I don't know but we have to keep an eye on him.Then I walked out of the room we were in and went to fix some stuff on the Robot.After I fixed what needed to be repaired I went back to the med bay to see if there is anything on Ryan.When I got there Harris said to me maybe we should call Leo.I asked him why then Harris said because Ryan hasn't woken up yet and we don't know why he is having these visions again and he might have some answers.Ok lets call Leo. We went to were Spyder was and said to him that we are going to call Leo he said ok and turned off his video game.Harris called Leo and he said what is wrong I was in the middle of something I said Leo it's Ryan Leo said I'll be right over.When Leo got here he asked what happened where is Ryan I said to Leo he is in the med bay and Harris scanned Ryan and we found out that when Ryan had the vision of the shark and the monster heart Ryan's brain activity was the same brain activity he has now.Leo said ok so he is unconscious and his brain activity is weird.Then after Leo said that all the lights and monitors were going crazy.I ran into the med bay to see my little brother screaming in horror I ran over to him and took his hand and squeezed it I looked to Harris and Leo who were at the monitors.Leo said  well that might happen again because of his brain charts.They show a lot of sparks which aren't good.Theses sparks could mean anything for how much we know he could be trying to send us a message or something.Harris looked at Leo his face lit up and he said Leo you're a genius! We could try to incripit it and see if he is trying to send us a message! I said ok so while you guys do your brainy stuff.I'll go see if there is anything that needs to be fixed after what Ryan did.After like 3 hours of fixing the X deck I decided to go down and check how everything was going with Ryan.When I got there Harris said Mark you're back good we found something.I said ok what is it? I said excitedly and interested in what Harris was about to tell me.Harris said well what we found might be hard for you to take in.I said I'm Mark Walker I can handle anything.Harris said ok but you have to promise not to freak out and punch something.I said ok.Harris said ok what we found is that Ryan has been having visions but when he has them he is physically and mentally there in the vision.So you're saying there's no way of getting him out of that state and HE COULD BE DYING!Harris said yes Mark but we are trying to find him in his state and working on a way to get him back!I then asked can you send someone in the vision to get him out?Harris said I don't know but we probably could with the neurosplicer. I said ok let's do it!Harris said But Mark we don't know if we can get you out of there if we send you in!I DON'T CARE I WANT MY BROTHER BACK!Harris said ok then he put me in the chair next to Ryan and started the neurosplicer.Everything was being to spin then everything went black.I woke up and saw trees then I saw someone or something fighting in the distance then it went down the closer I got the more clear it became then I realized it was Mechx4.It was smashed into two parts the top half and the bottom half.The big window was broken.I ran all the way to the Robot I hopped in the boot and the elevator shot me up to the X deck once it opened I stepped out and ran to the control pad.Ryan was laying on the floor and a man was standing over him crying and shaking Ryan.I asked the man are you Randal he then just stood there and said yes I'm Randal Ryan's Dad I came here to warn Ryan.I said to warn Ryan about what?Randal said about Seth Harper.I said yea I know about him already he's trying to kill my little brother.Randal then said you're Ryan's brother? Yes I said to him and I'm here to try to get him out of whatever we are in Right now.Randal said we are in Ryan's mind.I said how do I wake him up.Randal said well I already tried shaking him awake that didn't work.I said what happened?Randal said we were in a fight with Harper he got stronger so Ryan used something called the X weapon because we couldn't take Harper down but we took him down but I have a feeling he still out there.But after Ryan used it he just collapsed to the floor!I said ok I'll go get a cup of cold water and see if that will wake him up.I came back with the water and splashed it on Ryan he flinched at the feeling of the water,It took a few minutes for Ryan to wake up but when he did he immediately put me in a choke hold and wouldn't let me go.I said to Ryan hey what is this for I'm your brother !How do I know your my brother! Ryan said to me I yelled let me go dingus I don't wanna fight you!he yelled NO You're gonna beat me up again!he yelled in a scared tone.I said why would I ever beat you up?He then let me go then ran away I said Ryan come back!I turned to Randal why warn him of Harper.I never told him this yet but Ryan has a twin sister.When Harper attacked us he took his sister when he ment to take Ryan.We named her Rylan we tried to track her but we lost it a few times.But we know Harper has her and is probably doing something bad to her.I said ok but first we need to find Ryan.

Ryan's pov: When I woke up I saw the guy who looked exactly like my brother Mark so I immediately put him in a choke hold.He said hey what is this for I'm your brother!Let me go dingus I don't wanna fight you! I yelled NO you're just going to beat me up again! I then let him go and jumped out the broken window and ran away.I didn't know where but I just wanted to get away.I was running when I felt this feeling like I was being hurt then I closed my eyes to see if the pain would stop but it didn't and instead I saw a girl who looked like me then that disappeared and I saw a hospital room.There were two babies both of their eyes glowed blue then a man came in and took one of the babies the other one started to cry and all electronics were going haywire.Then a man and a woman came in and saw that one of the babies was gone they panicked they searched everywhere while the woman was trying to calm the other baby.Then the man took the baby from the woman and said we have to protect him this is the only way.Then it changed to Randall giving a baby to LEO!Then he was saying shh Ryan Ryan.Then it ended but I kept hearing my name then I snapped open my eyes and I saw Mark and Randall Mark was shaking me like crazy then I said Mark stop then I turned to Randal and said Dad is it really you then he said yes it is Ryan I hugged him and said I need to tell you something.He said ok then I said I had a vision and it was a girl who looked exactly like me then it changed to a hospital with two babies and a man took the one but left the other and it began to cry and all electronics went haywire and a woman tried to clam the baby down then a man came in and took the baby from her arms and took it to an ally and handed the baby to Leo then disappeared.Randal said Ryan you have a twin sister who was taken by Seth Harper and he is after both of your powers but he needs both of you to do so and your sisters name is Rylan.I said ok so I have sister who I didn't even know existed until NOW and on top of that Harper is trying to steal my power great.Just great Mark then said Ryan I know it's a lot to take in but you are trapped in your own mind and the stuff we're saying is real and that I need to punch you to wake you up.I said ok punch me.Mark stood up and punched me in the face as hard as possible then everything went black.I woke up and I was in the med bay Harris,Spyder,Mark,and Leo came in and Mark asked me hey how's your head bro.I said It hurts but I'm fine then Harris said so we are really glad you're ok.I said yea me too as I looked at Mark with worried eyes.Then I said guys I need to be alone for a while Harris said why I said because I just need to think somethings through Mark looks at me with worry in his eyes because he knows.Mark comes over to me and says just call us if you're in any trouble.I said I will then I left the Robot.Once I got out of the Robot I saw Rylan again she was in Harpers futureitics so went there.

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