Chapter Ten

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"Hello, Miss D—"

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"Hello, Miss D—"

"I told ya. I'm your momma, address me as such." Charlie pressed his lips into a thin line, berating himself for his mistake, before correcting himself.

"Sorry, mother. I'll keep that in mind." He apologized, fiddling with his hands behind his back, slightly comforted by the smile she offered him, only to find himself unnerved by it seconds later.

"So the investigations goin' well, I presume?" She busied herself with her dishes once more, turning away from him. Yet it seemed as though she was somehow watching him, analyzing him without even looking at him.

"Erm, yes. We are making progress, and my partners and I are learning more every day." He feared that he had said something wrong as his "mother" seemed to tense up after he spoke.

"And what about this...Markus? What's your relationship with him?" She nearly hissed the words out.

"I find him interesting and determined. A little stubborn, but very kind. I would consider him a friend." He spoke only the truth, hoping that honestly would please her. She turned around to face him.

"You ain't feelin' anything towards him, are ya?"

It was Charlie's turn to tense up, hoping that mother didn't notice before he tried to relax. "No."


"You're not...deviatin' at all, are ya? I don't wanna have to reset ya and tear ya apart." She almost seemed to want him to deviate. Just so she could reset him and rip him apart, piece by piece. The idea in itself made him feel unwell.

"No, of course not."

Lies, lies, and more lies.

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