an unanticipated realisation

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[ Puck's POV ]

Before the Siren dove into the ocean, she whispered her name ever so softy in Alexandro's ear.

Thea was her name.

She shone brightly against the darkness of Alexandro's aura. Her glowing hair softly reflected against each silver scale and all eyes were fixated on her. Her mesmerising singing and extreme beauty would drown any masculine hearts deeply in love. The Siren too, a seductress, has fallen in love with Alexandro.

Four of the crewmen resisted the Siren's seductive voice, except Alexandro.

"Alexandro, do not jump into the ocean with that Siren! She'll kill you and devour you!" bellowed the crewman. They were all short, powerfully built men - in their mid-thirties - with arms so tightly muscled, their veins bulged fiercely as rage and indignation distorted their faces. They absolutely weren't prepared for losing their dear Alexandro. And, of course, he didn't listen to the crewmen. Instead, he took another step and leapt off the boat with the Siren into the deep sea. The crewmen tied to the mast all fell silent.

"It was like a... ritualistic chant," said Oberon, spellbound.

"It was also dangerously alluring," I added. Oberon turned his head in my direction with a displeased look on his face.

"Puck!" roared Oberon.

"Yes, my King?" I promptly answered.

"What are you doing standing there like a log? Go and rescue the young man".

Oberon's right. Therefore, I shall disguise myself as Cyprus - a Greek goddess of love, beauty, and pleasure because that's what I despise and enjoy making mischief the most. Off I go, swifter than the hammers of a piano! 

My seraphic arms carried Alexandro as I returned him back to the shore. I stood there while Thea approached Alexandro.

"For some strange reason, I felt like we've met before... but, I can't remember. It felt as if I wanted to hold your hand, talk to you, and listen to your voice".

Alexandro coughed heavily and realised Thea was the first thing he saw as his eyes fluttered open.

"Thea, I can hear your clear-tone cry in your voice, but I can also hear the loneliness. Your voice: so angelic, so charming, so tempting". Thea smiled and Alexandro stared into her eyes, gripping onto her soul. He wanted to be close to Thea, struggle together and stay by her side for eternity. He knew she was the one for him. Thea sighed and looked unhappily at her fishtail. Alexandro reassured her, saying her fishtail didn't matter because he would love her for all that she is. He promised her Thea would be the idol of his heart hereafter. He gently placed his hands on her cheeks and stared into her tearful eyes. Alexandro leaned forward, his heart beating and almost tearing apart his chest. He stops, their faces were inches away. Thea stroked his pensive face with her cold, delicate fingers. 

"Alexandro," she softly spoke.


Thea felt the warmth of his body wrapped around her. being this close broke the rule between sirens and humans: they were not to fall in love. A broken barrier sealed their destiny. This was fate, a love that was meant to be.

"I love you more than I do now, and yet I know I will tomorrow," Thea uttered. Her embrace loosened. With too little time, it was too late. This was the only bitter memory of a tender remembrance.

"So do I". Alexandro loosened his arms away from her. He stared at Thea as she dissolved into sea foam. He clenched his fists hard against his chest. He roared and slammed it against the ocean's surface. All trace of Thea was gone, except the grief that weighed down his heart and the existence of her which remained in Alexandro's mind. Her voice drifted in the air, whispering: "I wish you a long, happy life".


imma jus end it here. initially, I was planning to write extra chapters about the backstory of Alexandro and Thea, but eh - maybe sometime in the future, I'll get to that. thanks for reading this cringe shit and have a noice day ^.^

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