Chapter 7

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    I shut my journal and put it in my desk along with my pencil. A knock was heard from the door. I started to feel my heart beat increase as I walked down the stairs to the door, knuckles white and fisted together. I swung the door open to reveal Hyunjin standing there with a box in hand and a smile plastered onto his face.
    "HYUNJIN WE NEED TO TALK RIGHT NOW?" I shouted suddenly.
    "Sorry I....I'm just really nervous." I quickly apologized for yelling, scurrying to the living room. When Hyunjin sat down in the big armchair, worry was laced throughout this facial expressions, quickly replacing the smile that was display just seconds before.
    "I have a feeling this is bad....can I give you..." He trailed off looking down at the box that sat in his hands.
    "Yeah.....sure." I said forcing a small smile.
   "Happy birthday Luna!" Hyunjin had his smile plastered on his face once again. It hurt a little bit when he said that.
    He handed me the box and gestured me to open it. I took the box into my small hands, the box was small and silver with a purple bow that wrapped it up and held it together.
I opened it and my jaw hit the floor, it was the little locked that he said he would get for me when I came back, that day he had promised me he would confess how much he really loved me. I started to tear up remembering that day, the day we broke up because he was 'cheating' on me.
    I looked up to see his expression, and he gestured for me to open the locket. Tiny pictures of us were placed into the small spots, one of us when we were very young, and the other one of us right before I moved away.
    I couldn't tell him, it was just not going to happen, my heart felt heavy with the guilt.
"So now that you opened the present what were you going to tell me?" Hyunjin had a smile plastered onto his face again, it made my heart hurt even more than it already had.
"Oh it's nothing, don't worry about it." I lied, I can't hurt him.
"Well it's obviously something, you wouldn't have screamed at me saying that we needed to talk if it was nothing." Hyunjin just rolled his eyes in a playful way, probably to lighten up the awkward vibe that it circulating around.
"You can't be mad at me or stop me, and you have to promise me or I won't tell you." I looked him right in the eyes, and continued.
"Deal." He took a deep breath before we interlocked pinkies and stamped it.
"Ok now you promised you won't get mad, or stop me." I said.
    When I finally got done explaining the story, I looked up at him. The whole time I had been looking at the ground to avoid being guilty for telling him, but Instead it only made it worse when I looked up. Tears were running down his face like rivers, and I couldn't take it anymore, the voice started to speak to me. I wasn't even in my right mind to know what I was doing, or what the voice had been saying, or that Hyunjin was still in my house.
    I stood up and ignored the pulling on my sleeve by Hyunjin and Just continued my way to the bathroom, I was zoned out the whole time. I snapped back into reality when I heard Hyunjin banging on the door, I was so hard I thought it was going to break. He was screaming but I didn't know why until I looked down at my wrists that were burning and noticed the door was locked.
    "FUCK!" I was screaming at my self, I was having a breakdown and I couldn't stop. Pulling my hair and rocking my small body back and fourth, knees in my chest screaming.
    Just then the door opened and there stood Hyunjin, I didn't even look up, I had actually clenched my eyes shut and curled my body more.
"STOP DON'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" Hyunjin was yelling over my screaming.
    All I remember was Hyunjin cleaning me up, even though I didn't open my eyes. Then everything had gone black.
   When I finally woke up, bright light was the only thing I saw, at first I thought I was dead, but I started to hear beeping in the background. I was in a hospital but I don't know why.
"Hyunjin, there is only eight more days left, I need you." Was the last thing I said before drifting back off to sleep.

    Little did I know that I had been asleep for over two weeks now.

Sorry for being so inactive lately, I hope you can forgive. I will try to be more active, I hope you enjoyed the story, stay healthy and take care.

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