Boarding School (EDITING)

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Author: British_Irish1D

Description: "You want to move to London?! and leave me in a boarding school?!" I exclaimed a little bit too over dramatic to my parents.

"Honey we got a job there in London but we will hardly be home and we can't just leave you alone all day, so we decided you should go to boarding school." My mother said trying to calm me down

"Mom what about my best friend anne and danny? I have to stay mom!" I pleaded. Danny was my boyfriend over here in New York. "We're sorry but you going to have to break up and we leave at 3am midnight next week." My father spoke. "What?i this is so unfair, I hate you guys." I angrily said storming out of the living room.

"7am next flight to London " the lady at the desk said with her microphone that was heard from speakers all the corner of the where we wait for the plane to come. This was my flight to London. I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to go there or to this boarding school. What if no one likes me ? I hate this, I hate everything.

Complete: No

Rate: 9/10

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