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Okay I know that this book is finished but I can still see the comments and it kind of upsets me when I see people criticising and hating what I've written.
I'd like to point out that I've based each zodiac off my friends and family, people who I know really well which is why I've been able to create so many chapters.
When people say things like 'why did she put my sign down for liking root beer I HATE root beer' or something like that, you have to understand that I wasn't doing it to piss your group of signs off, it's just going off who I know likes root beer and who doesn't. Sure, you don't like root beer or your fav colour isn't green. Well the person who I know and is that sign has that favourite colour and likes a certain type of drink.

If we could all stop judging me and criticising me for what I've written because of the fact that you don't like it then that would be great.

Sorry for my little rant, but sometimes it's just UGH. I see the notifications and I get a little pissed off sometimes, I know it's your opinions but maybe leave them at the virtual front door of Wattpad please.

~ Marvel_Mainiac

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