1. Apple

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~ Yuki's Pov ~

I woke up and did my morning routine. Soon, I walked down the stairs to the kitchen and found an apple.

I really never had a big appetite, so I just grabbed it and put it in a small plastic bag with an apple juice. I got another apple to eat right now. I started to make some rice and some chicken. I got a watermelon juice box for Katelyn.

45 minutes later-

"Good morning, how did you sleep?" My sister asked. I looked at her, "Good, and you." She smiled at me, "It was a decent sleep. I did have a weird dream where I was a chicken." I looked at the time. "Time to go." I said. I slipped on my shoes and walked out with Katelyn trying to catch up.

I was tossing my apple up and caught it. I did it about 5 times. Soon I stopped getting hunger so I bit in my apple. The green light hit so we can cross the street. We were walking and I heard policemen yelling, "HULT!"

I looked down the street when we stepped on the sidewalk to see a man running in black. He bumped into me and that led me dropping my apple. Then he stepped on it and it had dirt all over it.

I was angry as ever. I ran and jumped on his back and slammed his head in the sidewalk. "My damn apple man. Are you going to pay up or not?" I asked. He was crying and took out money scared.

I got back up and went to the store, and bought 4 apples. A happy small smile came across my face. We were walking and soon arrived at the mountains.

We walked up and I finish eating my apple. I threw it in the trash bin outside. The teacher gave us the weapons.

We walked in.

" Hello, my names Katelyn York, I hope we can be friends. " Katelyn said, she looked at me. " Uh, Yuki York. " I said waving a little. Katelyn elbow me in the side. " *Sigh, I hope we can be friends. " I said holding my side.

" Miss Katelyn you can sit behind Sugaya. " Sugaya rose his hand, she sits in the back row. " And you Yuki can sit behind Okuda. " the girl next to Sugaya rose her hand shyly. I walked back and sat down.

Soon it was Pe and the guy from earlier was the teacher. I watched outside and sighed. This is lame. "Miss Y-" "Drop the miss, I hate when they do that." I said.

"Yuki, why aren't you out there?" the octopus asked. "I prefer not to do pe." I said. "If you don't do you want me to give you an extra lesson?" he asked, looking at me. "Eh, do I have to?" I asked.

"No, I just wanted to ask." He said cleaning the board. "Na I'll like a lesson when it turns pe time." I said. He literally lit up. I pushed my head up and he started to teach me about German History.

I started taking notes. Then he was done but we have 10 more minutes. "Now a test!" He smiled. It was a 10-page test. "You can use your notes if y-"

"I don't need to." I said putting my notes in my bag and zipped it up. I took my pencil and started to do it. Soon I finished in 3 minutes and gave it to him. He was shocked, very shocked.

"You failed," he said.

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

"You forgot your name, but I'll let it slide so you got a 100%." He said. I sat back down. 1 F on my report card will be a death wish. "Teach, can I kill ya?" I asked. "Eh, an attempt, sure go ahead." He said.

I got up in a fighting stands. "Wait can we go out this is to cramp in here." I said. "Of course." He said we were walking down the hall and soon arrived out back.

"Eh, it's only 5 more minutes left you two." Mr.Karasums said. We got ready, I got in a fighting stands. I ran but it looked like he was confused, because I had no weapon.

I took out a knife from my jacket and went toward him. But he went back, expected. I went mach 15 and cut off 5 tentacles.

"Nuffufufu~. Now you can hit me?" Je said. "Who said I was hitting you?" I asked as Katelyn took 3 off. I then took off 2 more but he jumped on a tree. "Aww, come on teach." I said. Then the bell rang. We went into class and he started the lesson.

Soon class was over and we walked home, in the silence of course.

~ Koro~Sensei's Pov ~

I was in the teachers' lounge. Everyone was gone, except Karasuma. He was sitting next to me looking what I was doing. We both stopped in shock. "So Yuki has perfect grades and is an assassin. And Katelyn usually has average grades and is an assassin as well." I said.

I went behind Yuki's past and Karasuma did Katelyn's past. "So Katelyn uses to be in martial arts classes when she was 6, she got the black belt at 7. Her name is Black Venom Snake. Is known to be in the dark and lunge out like a snake. What did you get? " he asked.

"Nothing. Theres nothing." He started to do it and 1 Web popped up.

"Black Venom Snakes sister is called White Feather. Does hacking and even suducts. Good with hand to hand combat and usually does that. She is a weapon usually." he said.

~ Katelyn's Pov ~

"Hello welcome to Nekoosa master let me show you to your seat." I said. Me and Yuki work at our family restaurant. I'm 16, and she is 18. She always was a girl of independents. She always spoke her mind and isn't scared of anything.

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