Story Information

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Hello there and thanks for reading💕

This is my second story so please be gentle with comments .
Be free to criticize just don't be too brutal .

All places in this story will be purely fictional. They do live in the USA but the state , highschool and local areas will be named to my liking .

And also , there isn't any triggers inside . The verbal bullying quickly subsides .

For this story you can imagine the cast however you want , but I will still like too display how I expect the MC to look .

Her body , hair and height is all the same , only she wears big glasses , a  nerdy attire and her hair is mostly in a neat bun

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Her body , hair and height is all the same , only she wears big glasses , a  nerdy attire and her hair is mostly in a neat bun.

Remember she is mixed (black&white race) so that explains her lighter complexion and soft but curly hair .


When Natalie's mother starts a new family she is sent away to live with her aunt .

All her life she has been bullied by her racist mother , never once being strong enough to speak up for herself .

By her Aunt Ruth , she is enrolled in a prestigious school were the bullying continues not only by her classmates , but her cousin.

Because she is so late into the school year Natalie must get a tutor .What happens when the tutor is the main leader of the bullying

Follow Natalie's Journey as
she must be STRONG.


This is a slight bully-awarness story .

In the past she has been bullied by people around her including her mother . Not physically but verbally lowering her confidence and self-esteem .

There isn't any bullying from chapters 10 and up as she becomes STRONGER and is finding a happier trail in life . There will be up and downs but with love , everything will be fine .

Colour is beautiful -

Whether you're black as pitch or white as paper or in between . Colour is beautiful .

Don't split up because of race or colour .
For eg -

Sometime ago I showed my mum a picture of this mixed girl . We both thought she was very beautiful .

My mum said "See that is just god's example of showing us how beautiful we are when different races come together and love one another ."

And she was right , Any race mixed with another shows unity and beauty . Don't discriminate a single or combined race.

It could be a friendship , two beautiful friends walking down the street.

A relationship , a different race couple with with a mixture of both in one child .

A family , a brother and sister playing and both displaying two different and beautiful mixes .

A race by itself and a mixed one is both amazing and beautiful. ❤

Sorry if my saying was cliche . lol but hope you enjoy this story

Covers Evolution

Covers Evolution

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- By myself

- By secutegrxnde

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- By secutegrxnde

Strong [Completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt