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         Ahoiiii every little pup and pack member! 

   This is where I'll be notifying you all about the information on Notes of a Lifetime. First of all I want to clear up one very important part. Copyrights. 

   All right reserved. No part of this publication my be reproduced, disturbed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, expect in the case of brief quotations embodie in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed "Attention: Permission Coordinator,".

   Second; This isn't my only social media, so I won't be abandoning YouTube, Twitter and Instagram for Wattpad (sadly for you all). If you're interested in those, here are some links for you; 




   In a nutshell that's all I want you all to know. Other than that, be sure to enjoy the story and leave suggestions, ideas and grammar corrections ('cuz I'm bad at that... <:'3).

   -PusheenWolfMom, the author and publisher.


         Heyyyy little wolf pups and pack members! I wasn't able to post lately and that can be thanked for my stocked summer break..! (Yaaaayyy -.-)

   I hope you can understand that as well as accept it... I mean... You don't really have a choice now do ya'?


   If you took your time and checked my other social media out, let me know what you think about it! I'd really appreciate some feedback if you have some on your shoulders! I accept building criticism as well, because it helps me make you happy..!

   2018, the 10th of August, Friday.

   -PusheenWolfMom, the author and publisher.


         Ahoiiiiii every little wolf pups and pack member, PusheenWolfMom's here!

   Soooo... I just wanted to let you know that I'll be updating once a month, nor every book, only ONE.

   I hope y'all can understand, schools been rough for me, especially with my messed up schedules piling on the floor waiting for me to be solved.

   Anyways, that's all I wanted to let you pups know, baiiiiiiii!

   2018, the 5th of October, Friday.

   -PusheenWolfMom, the author and publisher.


         So, after a year of nothing - literally, I didn't even open this draft - I came back to Notes of a Lifetime: Rising. I needed a little break from my own original book, and live out my crazy fangirl phase's peak. It took me a year, but I did it.

   In the spam of a year, I improved - both as a person and an author. Thus, I decided to rewrite the book from the beginning. Now, that means 4000+ words a chapter, and possibly even more. Because I don't want to disappoint anyone, I'm not promising any pre-established publishing schedule.

   I hope y'all understand. Thank you for your patience, and an extremely big THANK YOU to those who read it before it was edited and taken down. You're awesome! :3

   2019, the 30th of October, Wednesday.

   -PusheenWolfMom, the author and publisher.


       As of right now, the book is currently being planned out, which is why there still are no updates and publishing of chapters. I want to do this as professionally as possible, and plan it out properly so I won't lose interest in the writing of it or drift away from the path I want it to follow.

   Notes of a Lifetime: Rising took a great 180° turn in the time I left it alone and mulled it over. The story and it's main plot and story-line will be changed entirely, except for names and places. The idea has been inspired by my current life situation, and the struggle many other people (mostly teenagers) have to go through.

   I once again want to thank each and every one of you for being patient with me, and reading my other books. Seeing that what I write interests people gives me the courage and strength to write even more.

   Thank you, all of you.

   2020, the 29th of February, Saturday.

   -PusheenWolfMom, the author and publisher.

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