Imaginary friends #3 ~ English

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More true stories about kids and their creepy imaginary friends.

My sister got married when she was 18. She had a daughter named Suzy. Her husband was unemployed. She had to work 2 jobs to support herself, her daughter and her lazy husband. Every day, she left the house at 8 AM and she only returned home at 8 PM every night.

Around this time, Suzy had an imaginary friend. She told my sister it was a little girl named "Dissaga". Suzy would talk about "Dissaga" all the time. My sister even overheard her talking to "Dissaga". It creeped her out and after a while, she told Suzy she was forbidden to talk about "Dissaga". We weren't allowed to mention "Dissaga" when we came over to visit.

One day, Suzy told her mom, "Dissaga is mad at you because you dont believe she's real. She comes to play with me when Daddy closes the closet door after you leave and he lets us out before you come home..."

My sister had no idea this was happening. Her husband was supposed to be watching Suzy during the day. Instead, he would lock her in a closet with a box of cereal and leave her there all day. When my sister discovered what was going on, she kicked her husband out.

Creepy, right? The poor little girl spent so much time all alone, locked in a closet, that she had conjured up an imaginary playmate for herself. But wait for it. Here comes the really creepy part.

My sister divorced her husband and got custody of Suzy. She decided to move out of the house they were renting. When the moving van came, the old man who owned the house came over to help them. He was talking to my sister and said, "I was always worried about your little girl on those basement stairs. My little granddaughter fell down those basement stairs and broke her neck. She died in front of that closet door down there."

When she heard that, my sister got the chills. "What was her name?" she asked. "It wasn't Dissaga was it?"

The old man looked at her and said, "Her name was Jessica. She was only 4 years old. She couldn't say it properly... How did you know that's how she said her name? Dissaga! HOW DID YOU KNOW??"

My sister was in denial. She told him she didn't know what he was talking about. She refused to talk about it, grabbed the last of her things and left the house for good.

Even today, we're still not allowed to talk about Suzy and her imaginary friend "Dissaga". My sister remarried a few years later. Suzy got a great new stepdad and, so far, they've lived happily ever after.

They Were Both Dead
I used to babysit a kid who had two imaginary friends. He told me they were both dead. One was an old lady and the other had no head. They were both covered in blood. The one with no head had his insides sticking out of his neck. After he told me that, I didn't ask him any more questions.

Icy Wants Me to Tell You
My best friend had a little sister who was five or six years old. She had an imaginary friend named Icy. One day, I was waiting for him to come downstairs when his sister came up to me and said, "Icy told me to ask you if you know when you're going to die." I laughed nervously, but I played along. "No, of course not," I said. "No one knows that. Hopefully I won't die until I'm very old." The little girl shook her head sadly and said, "No, Icy wants me to tell you it'll be tonight." And with that, she just walked away.

My parents told me that, when I was about 3 or 4, I had an imaginary friend named "Jinn". Apparently, I told them she was an old lady and she lived in our backyard. My parents said I talked about her all the time and I warned them not to let her inside the house. My parents were so freaked out by it that they went to a Christian pastor for advice. He told them the name sounded familiar and said he would do some research on it. He mentioned it to a Muslim friend of his who told him that, in Islamic belief, a djinn is a demon that attaches itself to people or inanimate objects. As it turns out, my grandfather had brought home a hand-carved table from Saudi Arabia during one of his military tours and he had given it to my parents as a present. They left it outside on the garden patio. My dad wanted to get rid of it. He was going to sell it, but the pastor told him to burn it. He did and I never saw or talked about the old lady again.

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