LaurWalk- Figuring Things Out

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        Every time I looked at him, I felt the urge to run my hands through his hair, to breathe the same air he did, to taste his lips once more. I hated it. Or, I guess I hated him-well- it doesn't matter! I was living a perfectly happy life until this Walker fellow had to strut in with his gorgeous smile and meaningful eyes. I mean, we had always been best friends, Joe and I, but I had accepted long ago that we'd stay just that. Friends. Then he had to go and kiss me last night after Starship and mess up all my feelings! AUGH! Well, I guess I did bring this on myself. I had to get all scared and run away. Gosh I'm so stupid sometimes!

        "Um, Lo? You're doing it again." Meredith leaned in front of me and shook my shoulders.

        "Huh? Doing what? What the heck are you talking about?" I looked at her confused. Mere rolled her eyes with a smirk.

        "Staring at Joe. That's the second time. Somebody's thinking about Walker." Meredith sang, cutting her sandwich in two. I felt my face get hot and looked immediately into my soup. We'd only been at lunch for half an hour and I was staring at him? I checked the faces of my friends around me to see if any of them had noticed as well. They were all laughing and eating, including Joe. Whew.

        "Okay, for your information, I was just zoning out. You know I do that a lot!" I told Meredith in a hushed whisper. "And also, try not to sing those kind of things out for the whole world to hear!" Mere shook her head happily.

        "You were probably daydreaming about making out with him or something cute like that." She waved her knife at me. "I always thought you two would make the perfect couple."

        "You probably write fanfiction about us too." I joked, stealing a glance at the guy I hated. Or liked? I mean, I did like him, a lot, but I wasn't used to this feeling! To put it simply: I was scared. I'd never fallen for a guy so hard, and it wasn't a feeling I was used to dealing with. Why did I hate him? Maybe because he took it too fast and just kissed me without warning or explanation! But it was so nice....

        Joe threw his head back in laughter at something Dylan said, and I found myself smiling as well. Damn his laugh was contagious. He caught my eye and took me by surprise. I was about to tear my eyes away from his when he stood up abruptly. Then everyone was staring at him, staring at me. Once again I found myself doing something I hadn't intended; and I stood up as well. So there we stood, eyes locked, breathe held, while the others shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

        "Lauren... can we talk?" Joe said quietly. I slowly nodded, and we left the long table full of disbelieving faces and walked outside of the restaurant. As I went through the door, I caught Meredith giving me a thumbs up, and I stuck my tongue out at her. Well at least she's e njoying this.

        We stood awkwardly facing one another, avoiding each other's faces. I had avoided Joe ever since our last awkward encounter, and the guilt was making me extremely nervous.

        "Lauren," Joe finally said, lifting his face to see mine. "last night was a spur of the moment thing. I like you, okay?" He laughed and scratched his head. "I really really like you. I was full of this- this- emotion after the show and I had to let it out. But I never wanted to scare you away or make you uncomfortable."

        I studied his face. His eyebrows were scrunched in concern and his eyes searched rapidly for my reaction. I could tell he was truly sorry. I shook my head and laughed at myself. How stupid I was being! How could I be mad at him? How could I hate this man? I stepped closer to him, feeling confident.

        "We both made some rash decisions last night. Maybe... a second chance?" Joe was smiling now, and he took his hands from his pockets and placed them on my cheeks.

        "Lo... I want- can I- will you-" Our noses were almost touching and I had to steady my breathing.

        "Damn it Walker just kiss me." And there was no running away from wild emotions and passionate kisses. We were both kissing now, and I wondered why I had ever run away from this boy's lips. He would hold me close and start slowly, passionately, then we would become restless and were fiercely interlocked, each of us digging deeper and deeper for more. More taste, more emotion, more warmth. Then it was slow again, and we smiled, eyes closed, standing in the sun and enjoying the feel of having the other in our arms.

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