Part one

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Eden looked at the taller android, her LED flickering yellow, her face showed no expression what so ever "No thank you, I believe I already have that information already," she said, practically lying to him and herself. Amanda put her with connor only for the fact that she was a new and improved Android but more different from any other androids Cyberlife have created.

She began to follow a train of blue blood around the roof top until they came to a Small vent system that gave enough room for someone to hide in, looking up at connor she pointed at it "Can you move this so i can take a look," she aaid in a completely dead tone

Eden ran over after the last shot was fired, she looked at the damage and mess the Deviant had created while firing shots at Connor. As she saw Connors LED she ran over to him and turned him around to see where the Android had shot him, just seeing his shoulder bleed she looked him in the eyes

"Why did you drag me away?! Are you crazy you could have gotten killed!" She growled at her partner but he clearly wasn't paying attention, she noticed his facial expressions, he looked scared.. slowly she reached her hand out "Connor? Are you okay," She asked while going to place her hand on his face to see what he saw.

Connor backed away cautiously, not wanting her to experience the loss he'd felt. "I'm okay..." He said, his voice fragile and shaky. "I was connected to its memory... When it fired, I felt it die." His eyes met hers but it was an empty stare, as if he were looking past her. "Like I was dying."

He sighed and his LED stabilized, returning to blue. He seem to have recovered from the trauma. "I'm glad you're alright." He managed a weak smile, for her sake more than his. "By protecting you I'd hoped to prove my trustworthiness to both you and Amanda. It would make me look irresponsible if I let you get destroyed during your first day as my partner."

Pulling her hand back letting it fall to her sides as she turned away slightly crossing them against her chest "It would of been easier if i was still here and you didn't drag me away.." she said rudely looking down at the ground her LED flickered yellow "but thank you, for thinking about it, thinking now Amanda would have been scary mad if i was destroyed on my first day," She said with a sweet voice

Eden looked up at you slightly, before pushing her hair behind her ears. She looked down at the android on the ground, with it's brain compartments scattered all over the ground. Using her foot she moved it's head to the side letting a few sparks fly out of its head, "Was there anything important in its dying memories? Anything we could use to find the other three androids responsible for all of this?"

She asked in her normal emotionless tone of voice, moving some of the damage around the Androids head

"I saw a word painted on a piece of metal," Connor explained, " 'Jericho.' It seemed important to the deviant, so we should consider it a lead."

He observed her kicking bio-components around with her foot and tilted his head with curiosity. He was puzzled by the other android's behaviour, how quickly her disposition changed and how her LED kept displaying instability when he talked to her. He opened his mouth to question her about it, but shut it again. He thought it was best to handle one issue at a time.

"Well we will start with that since we have nothing else, to work with," She says as she kicks the components against violently, her hands in a fist she stops and looks down at the head again letting her hands shake slightly she clenched them up again and turned around towards the exit "We should go,"

As she began to walk away, she brought her hands up to her chest and let them shake slightly calming them down. She couldn't hold herself together, she didn't want to show anyone the monster she was created to be from cyberlife. She kept it to herself she couldn't be herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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