Back at home. Finally!

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Alice's POV~

As Phil and Liz walked off in a different direction me and Dan held hands and he pecked me on the cheek.

We walked into a grove of apple trees and we both stared at the apples, I bit my lip and asked.

"You wanna apple?"

"Oh my god yes"

I laughed and smile at him.

"Give me a boost" I put my feet on the tree and sorta lifted myself up. Dan grabbed my legs and pushed me up and had touched my butt a bit.

I blushed and wobbled.


"Holy shit ima fall!"

I fell and it felt like forever, I was expecting for my head to hit the ground but instead Dan had caught me in his arms bridal style. I blushed.

"Thanks :3"

"No problem clutze"

We stare into each other's eyes he leans in my world goes in slow motion when suddenly our lips collide. He lifts me into the tree and im blushing insanely.

I pull him up and we sit and glance over to see Phil and Liz sitting by a fountain

"I kinda wanna throw an apple at them so they fall in"

Dan nods and just as we are about to throw the apple Phil kisses Liz

"Oh my god! I knew it!"

"I know right its love meant to be" I throw my hands in the air.

We laugh and aim our apples, we throw them as they hit the two and they both fall into the fountain!

"Oh shit!" Dan screams he jumps down from the tree and grabs my hand to help me down.

We run over not noticing we are still holding hands. As we get there we try to act as innocent as possible

"Oh no what happened" Dan says faking it

"Oh no!"

Phil wraps his jacket around shivering Liz. Dan and I and make throw up faces.

"Can you guys just date already?" Dan nods and they both blush.

We all walk back to our building and Dan is giving me a piggy back. We walk inside and Phil and Liz motion to us to get in the elevator

"We will get the next one" Dan smiles

As we get in the elevator Dan kisses me and we hear a ding. The doors opens and Liz and Phil are gone. We smile and walk into our own apartments

Liz is in the shower and I lay in bed and I get a text from Dan

Dan The Man: Phil has lipstick all over his face 😑💋

Me: LOL 😂

Dan The Man: night 😉

Me: Night😉

(A/N) hey guys hope you liked it :3 I thought it was funny and cute anyways byeee ~cayden


I never thought (Dan and Phil fanfic) *completed*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora