Chapter 1: A Little Background

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Before his best friend turned into electricity,  Rex Capucinu was just a normal teenager.

He's just an normal 14 year old teenager who goes to school at Birchling Middle school. Everything is normal except for one little thing.

Rex wasn't quite the popular kid at school. In fact he was a loser. His classmates all called him names like "Cappuccino-saurus rex" or teasing him like saying,"Want an espresso? Oh that's right, you can only take Cappuccino. ",and laugh right in his face.

No one would sit with him for lunch, morning assembly,  or even at the bus.  No one except Danny.

Danny was his best friend. He sat with him at lunch, the bus, and also behind him at Ms. Madison's class. He was also very popular in school because he's a basketball all-star.

You could even see his trophies in the hallway.

Anyways,  Rex was not only having a hard time fitting in,  but was also bullied by not only his other classmates but also one of his teachers: Mr. Retsnom. Whenever Rex would answer a math question incorrectly,  he would just shake his head and mutter to himself. The worst part about it was that he already knew that Rex wasn't that good at Math.

Next were the bullies. The main bully in his school was Lanon. He takes everyone's lunch money, dunks other people's heads in the toilets, and other typical stuff that bullies do. His two cronies were Butch and Crud. Altogether they weren't as smart as Rex but Lanon was their leader because he was only a tiny bit smarter than them.

This was Rex's normal life. It was like this everyday, monday to friday to sunday and then starts all over again. One day, that all changed.

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