Chapter 3

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"But, how?" I ask in disbelief. I have a billion questions swimming around in my head; what are you doing here?, how did you get out?, what is happening? I start with the former. "What are you doing here?"
"All ghosts come here after death." He replies "we sleep in the day and play at night."
Other ghosts have joined him now, floating over in interest. I look at them suspiciously, this could be a trick maybe.
Jake guesses what I am thinking. "Don't worry" he says, glancing around at the other ghosts, " they're just as scared of you as you are of them, they are only children after all."
This is unbelievable. I'm talking to a ghost who is my brother who is also surrounded by other ghost children. I think I may be going insane.
"So..." I say, because what else am I meant to say in this situation. I scan the small crowd of glowing spirits. "..... How come there are no adult ghosts?"
"They are all in the adult cemetery, they don't like to play with us, all they do is sleep." A small girl ghost pipes up, looking a little grumpy.
I was going to answer but a rustling behind me catches my attention. All of the ghosts look frightened. " It's the caretaker!" One hisses at me as the other ghosts are diving into their graves all around me. " run!"
I don't need to be told twice, I turn on my heel and bolt for the hole in the fence. The caretaker yells at me to stop and how I shouldn't be here, but I keep going. I look back to see how far he is behind me, I see a reasonably old face twisted in what looks like exasperated anger. This seems to be a fairly common occurrence, but I didn't get much more than that before the world goes black.

(Sorry this is a short chapter, I had a mental blank!)

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