Chapter 3

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Just like a flock of spooked pigeons, the whole group exited the bathroom as the bell rung. My body felt limp from crying so hard and I could barely stand. But with the support from Charlotte we managed to get out the bathroom and into the class to collect our things. 

My phone buzzed anouncing I had anew messaged and I picked it up, sobbing at the sight of his name I read the message,

Cole: Hey babe, are we still meeting up? See you in 5?

In a rage I sprinted to the packed lunch hall I caught eyes with Coles best friend Jax and ran to him,

"Have you seen Cole? I need to talk to him."

"Yea. He went down behind the bleachers, he was bunking science. He's probs still there."

"Thanks Jax."

With Charlotte's lead we made it through the large crowds, with our fair share of stares and wistles, and congested lunch lines. Charlotte entered the bleacher first telling me to stay back, but when I heard her gasp I couldn't help jumping into there to. 

  Words left me. I stared into those bright blue eyes burning with lust, and my heart fell silent. I wanted so bad to confront him but I couldn't will my lips to move. As if stuck underwater, everything was slow and warbled as he kissed the new girl. My mind was blank and my eyes wide as I stared at him in horror. His eyes desperately searched mine... waiting. I had to say something! I searched my mind for something reasonable to say, but to my surprise my heart answered for me, "Why?"

  My heartache had rung me out until I was dry inside, no more tears would come. My insides still felt as raw as if a winter wind was blowing right through my skin. The sight haunted me, taunted me, replaying like an echo. How could he?

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