Everything Will Be Absolutely Fine

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Everything Will Be Absolutely Fine

"So, what exactly are we going to do? With school and everything I mean? If we get caught..." I ask Robb, and he sighs, brushing my hair behind my shoulders.

"Honestly, Faith, I don't know. I suppose... We either stop seeing each other outside of school, and everything goes back to normal, or we keep seeing each other like this, and we stop seeing each other at school," Robb explains, and I bite my lip nervously.

"But what about volunteering? I need to help out otherwise I'll have nothing to put on my resumé," I remind Robb, and he sighs. "I suppose we could spend less time together..."

"But the competition is this weekend too," Robb points out, and this time we both sigh. I giggle a little at our mirrored actions, and Robb smiles, pressing his lips to mine for a brief kiss.

"We'll just have to pretend we don't know each other then, I guess," I suggest, and Rob smiles. I pick up my drink and finish the last of it. I catch a glimpse at the watch on my arm and realise it's getting late.

"Would you like another?" Robb offers, and I realise I haven't paid for anything all evening. Instantly I feel guilty, but then I remember I only have ten pounds in my purse and that would barely buy a single round in a place as fancy as this.

"No, I think we'd better get going, I didn't realise how late it was," I say, beginning to get to my feet. Picking up my bag, I notice the leg of my jeans sticking out of the top and I hurriedly shove it back into the bag before Robb sees.

"I really wish I could drive you home," Robb says, taking my hand, and I blush a little at what he's implying. It makes me chuckle when I see realisation hit his face. "Oh, God, no, not like that, not at all, I just meant-!"

"I know," I reassure him with a laugh, stopping to place a kiss on his cheek. I linger and whisper in his ear. "But if it was the other implication, that would be alright too."

Robb gives me a wolfish grin, and he escorts me back up the stairs. "It's a shame, it's a bit too risky to kiss you goodbye properly, someone might see us."

"You can give me a good luck kiss at the competition on Saturday instead," I say, and we make our way out of the building into the car park.

Coincidentally, we'd managed to park only two cars away from each other. "I guess I'll see you Saturday then," Robb smiles, and I can see in his gorgeous brown eyes a tint of sadness. I wish he could kiss me goodbye properly too.

"I'm really glad you're going to be there. At the competition, I mean," I blush, avoiding his eyes. "It'll be really nice to have a friendly face in the audience cheering me on."

"Yes, I imagine Origami gets stressful," Robb teases, and my heart flutters momentarily at the idea that he might have realised the truth. But he doesn't proceed, so I relax.

"Yeah, something like that..." I smile. "Anyways, I'll see you on Saturday. Goodnight."

I turn to walk towards my car, but Robb catches me and presses a chaste kiss to my lips. "Goodnight," he murmurs back, and a smile spreads across my face.

Heading towards my car, I turn to have one last glance at Robb, only to find he's looking at me too. I slip into my car and begin unpacking my clothes from my bag.

I pull the jeans up under my skirt, and fasten them, then slip the straps of my dress down. I then pull my t-shirt over my head, and somehow manage to wiggle the dress over my head without pulling my shirt up.

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