I've Seen a Lot

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I've met people
The most wonderful people
With the most sad stories

And some pretty crazy people
With the most odd stories.

Some people where
They were drug addicts
And were now given a chance to detox

And some very delusional people
Who claimed they were God and Lucifer
Mother Nature and the antichrists

The drug addicts would tell me
They used to say
"I'll never do drugs"
And laughed

I said
"I'm never doing drugs"
And they say
"That's what you say now"

But I swear to god I'm
Not going to let that happen

Because I've seen what it's done
To them
And their families
And how it's
Ruined their lives

As for the delusional people
I from the bottom of my heart
Feel sorry for them
And wish for them
They didn't have to go through that

But maybe
At the same time
It makes their lives easier
In this terrible world

To have some hope
To have a bit more courage
A bit more fun
And confidence
To get them through
This terrible world

And for the people
With sad stories
Who were amazing

I stand with them
And hope it gets better too.

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