~•~Chapter 4 - Sold~

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Josephine's Point of View.

"Alarm rings""

Is it morning already I say as I off the noisy alarm.

I went to the shower ,   afterwards I  get dressed for the day .

I wore my favorite dress which pink and has a coat .

Then I braid some of my hair and tie it with a ribbon .

While I leave the unbraided hair relaxing on my shoulders.

I look at my calendar, and realize  today is my birthday which means today is Jason's birthday .

Before I could leave the room I saw a video call from my brothers. I pressed a button on my laptop receive it.


Josephine: Hi bros .What's up?

Carlos,Jason and Max sings: Happy birthday to you!! Happy birthday to you!!Happy birthday!! ,Happy birthday!! ,Happy birthday to you!!! How old you now??

Josephine: 18!!!!

Carlos sings: We love you sweetheart!!!

Jason sings: We love you cutest!!!

Max sings:We love love love you so much!!!

Carlos & Max sings : She 's smiling and she's happy. Oh wait she's gonna blush . "Laughs".

Josephine: I love you so much bros!!Thank you so much guys I say whiles blushing.

Jason: Sing for me!

Josephine: No I won't ,I have cold.

Jason: C'mon twinnie

Josephine : Fine!!
If you want me to sing so be it!! I made you this song when we were ten. I decided to sing it to you when we turn 18.Then I take my guitar🎻.So here goes my chance.

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