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The silver haired girl walked along the streets, holding a bag of ice cream in one hand as the other held her phone. She was talking to her brother on the other line, discussing their plans on what to do tomorrow, he was currently out of town, visiting their aunt for a little fresh air since she lived in a Cabin. She continued to talk to him, oblivious to what was happening around her, a black van pulled up to the curb next to her, completely shadowed by the dark helping it camouflage within the night's darkness. The young girl was pulled out of her conversation with her brother as she felt a hand wrap around her arm, forcing her to drop the bag of groceries, she began to curse and cry for help when a cloth was placed over her mouth. She was then dragged into the van, unconscious due to breathing in the chemical.

The man tossed her in the back, shutting the door behind him as the driver took off, speeding down the road. The ice cream as long as some other snacks left on the ground, as well as the cracked iphone, her brother calling her name, panic laced in his voice.


Soon, the same girl awoke due to the sound of people chattering around her. She expected the whole thing that happened the night before to be a dream, a nightmare, but when icy blue eyes opened, it turned out, the nightmare had became reality. "Ah, Connor! You're finally awake!" His voice held too much enthusiasm, he was awfully cheery. The young girl tried to move her arms and body only to be met with the distinct sound of metal, she glanced down to see her hands bound by some sort of metal shackles to the bed, as well as around her ankles, her stomach having a leather strap bounding the rest of her body to the uncomfortable metal bed.

"Don't mind that for now, that's just for your safety and others." He trailed off as he looked down at some sort of clip board he held in his hands, tapping the end side of his pen against it, his wrinkles increasing as his face turned into a scowl before suddenly a smile broke out on his face again, like the sudden look of anger that flashed across his eyes was gone.

"W-W...Why a-am I-I h-h-" The girl found it hard to speak as she stuttered heavily, grunting as she couldn't finish her sentence, she slammed her head back down against the metal table, wincing after. "Your trouble of speaking is only an after effect of the drug that was given to you, don't worry, it'll go away soon and you'll be able to speak properly again." The man, doctor, assuming by his lab coat spoke as he set his clip board aside after scribbling a couple of things, rubbing the stubble on his chin that was beginning to develop grey hair, as well as his slicked black hair, a streak of grey going down the side. His green eyes however, were void of anything humane. At least that's what the girl thought.

"Let me answer your question." The doctor looked at the rest of the nurses in the room, to which the girl strapped to the table had just noticed. "Connor," He was immediately cut off as the girl gave off a grunt, almost yelling; "My n-name is B-Billie." Her icy blue eyes held anger and confusion, mostly fear. He noticed this and the smirk only grew on his lips, "From now on, you're known as Connor. Back to the question you asked, you have been chosen to be apart of an amazing experience. To become stronger, healthier, more intelligent." The look in his eyes, was crazed as he began to explain about what his intentions were. "We did tests on your DNA and we found that you have the ability to possess multiple powers at once." He chuckled as he reached for the clipboard once more, glancing at everything to make sure he had read correctly before setting it back down on the metal tray atop the table which was filled with many other objects, ones that looked like they were used for surgeries.

He picked up the serum, flicking it with his fingers as he made sure it was working and ready. He set it back down, pulling on a pair of plastic doctor gloves on his hands with a snap. After that he picked up back the syringe full of some sort of liquid that seemed like it was anything but normal. The liquid within was thick, which is why the needle was thicker than most you'd have for your average shots. The liquid itself as well, was glowing such a weird color, the angle of the light would give it a different color and shade, it turning to red, green, then blue and several other colors that you could imagine. At the sight of it, Billie began to tug and pull at the restraints thrashing around. She didn't want that syringe anywhere near her, she didn't want him anywhere near her. "S-stop! Stay away! D-Don't!" She shouted but it was too late as she felt several hands pin her down, the needle piercing into her skin, the thick substance flowing into her body.

She only began to shake, her body seizing as he pulled the needle out of her arm. They all stepped back as they watched foam bubble in her mouth, her eyes rolled back as she grunted and whimpered, she cried uncontrollably. They all watched as the lights flickered above them, an electricity cackling around her body. Then it all stopped, like it never happened, the lights returning back to normal, her body relaxing, her eyes closed, her breathing normal. The doctor took a step forward, checking her pulse and releasing a breath with a large smile on his lips. "It worked!" He rubbed his hands together as he got another syringe, full of the same substance.

Billie began to stir awake, her eyes rolling open as she let out a groan, her lazy blue eyes looking around before landing on the doctor again, coming towards her with that same thing that made her feel all that pain. She began to cry silently, not being able to say a word as he stabbed her arm again in the same area, injecting her with all the liquid as her body began to seize again. This time, instead of the lights flickering they exploded, sparks flying everywhere. Within seconds they were in the complete dark, the sound of metal breaking catching their attention. The backup light flicked on, the calm purple blue hue washing over them and their faces. The doctor was already at the back of the room to avoid any conflict, by the sound of the metal breaking he already knew that the subject had broken free from the confinement.

A scream ripped trough the air as a woman was send flying back, sparks rippling through her body as she shook on the floor, all movements of her body then stopped as she laid there lifeless. The rest of the nurses gasped as they ran towards the door, only to find it locked as the doctor stood on the other side, watching them from the small thick glass window of the door. They began to scream for his help, banging the door trying to get out when they were suddenly pulled back by an unknown force, having the same fate as the woman before.

Suddenly like a flash, Billie stood before him, her blue eyes cackling with electricity as she sneered at him, it didn't last very long as many heavy foot steps slammed against the ground, men with tranquilizer guns and nightsticks. The doctor took a step back as they entered the key pin, men rushing in wildly as they began to fire darts towards Billie, she didn't get very far as she had five darts sticking out her body, the way the electricity was running through her body, it was hard to get her down. Finally though, with a couple more darts she fell to the ground with a large thud, the final spark of electricity leaving her body.


woop hope you liked it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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