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There stands a man in the rain, with a rain of his own.

There is no one.

Or so, how he perceives it to be.

There is someone, who has been watching the man, observing him.

The man seems to be in his own world.

Maybe everything is unnoticeable because it all looks the same, it's all gray and wet.

The observer decides to approach the man, to try and catch his attention.

The man finally looks up.

The person in front of him glows like a ray of sunshine. He wants to be with this sunshine forever.

The observer takes a step back.

The man is confused and angry. He just wants to be with the sunshine, but this observer is not letting him.

The observer disagrees.

Instead, the observer observes the rain falling around them.

The observer finds the rain to be beautiful.

The man doesn't understand what could be beautiful about the rain when it is gray and dull.

The observer shakes his head.

"The rain by itself isn't amazing. However, what accompanies it just makes it so much better."

The man doesn't see what he means.

He's alone, isn't he?

The observer asks him to lift his gaze.

There are people.

There are people everywhere.

Some have the same shine as the observer, and some are just like the man, seemingly lost in their thoughts. Some are carrying umbrellas.

The man wants to help the ones that are gray.

He asks the observer to bring light to the ones who need it, for he cannot help.

The observer refuses once more.

The man is now questioning the observer.

Why not?

Why are you not doing anything?

Why are you here?

To mock me?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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