A morning with Michael

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Michael's POV

It's Christmas Day. I wasn't planning on doing much because my mother accustomed me to her beliefs and we never celebrated our birthdays, Christmas or Halloween. I look at my clock and I see its 9:30am. It's earlier than I'm used to because I tend to be difficult to wake up. I see Y/N laying next to me and I can tell she's still asleep. I moved her curly hair from her neck and I gave her a kiss. I'm shivering from how cold it is because she has all of the blanket to herself and just as she was gonna move to face me I fell on the floor. I WAS ON THE DAMN CORNER OF THE BED THE WHOLE TIME! She saw me lay there and asked "ARE YOU OKAY MIKEY??" I stand up and tell her "Well if your buttocks wasn't occupying my space, maybe I wouldn't have fallen in the first place, dont ya think girl??" She laughs and apologizes. I lay back on my bed and as I went to kiss her, she leans away. I wonder why.


As he leaned in to kiss me, I was reminded of what New York was like last time I went. The trash, the rat pee and the smell of nicotine took up every sense of smell I had. But not enough to not smell his chimp-like New York trash morning breath on me and I leaned back, wishing that he would've fallen again so I wouldn't have to smell his breath any longer. I couldn't help but say "What the fuck Michael??!" He looked clueless, thinking that his morning breath didn't bother me. Like it was some myth and that in every corny movie, the couple kisses passionately in the morning forgetting that IT'S JUST A MOVIE SCENE AND THEY DIDN'T ACTUALLY FILM THEMSELVES IN THE CRACK OF DAWN WITHOUT BRUSHING THEIR TEETH!! . I knew my breath stank too, so it's on him for making the move. I heard a couple of knocks and yelling. Michael points at me to stay in bed, he adjusts his wig, puts on a fedora and angrily gets close to the door.

Elizabeth's POV

"MICHAELLLL!! MICHAELLLL! IIIITS CHRRRRISTMAS TIMEEEE!!" I kept yelling but he wouldn't answer the door! He finally opens it, sees my dog and backs away a bit. Oh he is such a nut, my dog would never bite such a man. As I went to hug him he told me "Hii Liz" I back away a bit and think to myself "Such a proper man, yet his mouth smells like the insides of his pet chimpanzee!!" His girlfriend looks at me and pinches her nose signaling that she thought the same thing. Michael notices and looks a bit upset. I told him "I'm sorry honey, but you need to brush your teeth in the morning that's all" He nods his head and goes to the bathroom. He brushes his teeth, comes back and I present to him the best first and best Christmas he'll ever have!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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