Ch. 1

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A/n: I know everyone hates Author's notes. This is my first story I've shared. I've written others before but kept them to myself. This is probably going to very cheesy and stupid. If you find any mistakes or have any suggestions please comment. Also, I know Pidge is probably younger than the others but for the sake of the story, they'll be the same age mostly. And, yes. Klance stuff will happen, just give it time. Thanks.

Keith pushed his trolley slowly through the station. He was thinking of his conversation back at the orphanage. He had been sitting in his room, alone, like every day. He didn't like talking to the other children. They were rude and snobby. Keith was sketching, absentmindedly humming one of his favorites songs. Someone knocked on the door and Keith jumped, startled. "Come in," he said, though it sounded more like a question.
An old woman walked in. She was wearing odd, green robes and a pointed hat. Her gray hair was pulled into a bun. She wore glasses and had a severe (severe?) expression, as if scolding someone. "Hello," she said. The woman had a loud and strict voice. "Hi. I'm Keith."
"My name is Professor McGonagall," the woman said, holding out her hand.
Keith shook it, tentatively. Professor McGonagall looked around the room, taking in the dark gray walls and dark wooden floors. "I am the headmistress at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." She said.
Keith gaped. "Hogwarts?" He asked.
Professor McGonagall crosses her arms impatiently. "Yes, boy. As I was saying, you are wizard." She tossed the line out nonchalantly. "Here is a letter with your list of supplies and such needed for school. You will get your supplies at Diagon Alley. A friend of mine will escort you. The Hogwarts Express leaves the first of September at precisely 9 o'clock." The professer handed Keith a letter. His eyes narrowed. "How do I know you're not tricking me?"
Professor McGonagall reaches into her cloak pocket and brought out a thin piece of wood. A wand! She waved it and suddenly Keith's sketchbook became a dog. It barked loudly and McGonagall waved her wand again as the dog turned back into a book. Keith's eyes were as wide as saucers. The teacher simply said, "I hope to see you on September 1st," and left the room.
A loud shriek jolted Keith out of his memories. A group of kids and one adult were walking past, bickering. Three of the kids were pushing trolleys while two younger ones bickered loudly.
The mother had long, dark hair and tanned skin. The tallest child, was a boy with longish hair and a freckled face. The second oldest was a girl with long hair braided down her back. She held a cage with an owl in one hand. The last one that had a trolley was a boy about Keith's age. He had a freckled nose and bright ocean blue eyes. "Mama!" He whined, stumbling on a rock. "Where's the platform?"
Keith was wondering that too. Earlier he had asked a worker and the man had just glared. "Lance, stop whining." The tall boy commanded. "It's right there anyways!"

"Come on Pidge! You're so slow!" Matt teased, running towards platforms 8 and 9.
Katie rolled her eyes at the stupid nickname. Pidge was her middle name. Sometimes, Katie introduced herself as Pidge because "Katie" sounded much too feminine for her liking. People often mistook Katie for a boy because of her short hair. It didn't bother Katie that much, honestly.
Katie pulled her trolley up to Matt. "We have to walk through the wall?" She asked.
Matt nodded. Matt was Katie's brother, a fourth year at Hogwarts. "Wait... what?" Someone behind them asked.
A large boy with dark skin and even darker hair, stood, holding his trolley. His expression was so funny Katie bit back a laugh. "Yeah." She said.
The kid shook his head. "Oh by the way, I'm Hunk." He said.
"Oh cool. I'm..." Katie paused. "I'm Pidge."
They talked a bit and together walked through the wall that separated the wizarding world to the Muggle one.

"Oh my God, Coran," Allura whined. "We're going to miss the train!"
Allura was a small, impish, girl was platinum blond hair. Coran, a family friend, was bringing her to the station. He was sixth year and a Prefect. He had unnaturally orange hair and was quiet tall. "We're not going to miss the train," Coran said, leading her towards the Hogwarts Express.
Allura, not looking where she was going, ran into two boys. "Oh my god! Sorry!" Allura squeaked.
"It's fine," said the taller boy. "I'm Hunk."
"I'm Allura."
"I'm Pidge," said you he smaller boy. Looking closer, Allura wasn't quite sure he was boy. She shrugged it off. "That's Coran." Allura pointed.
"We should get on the train," Pidge said, nodding towards the train.
Hunk and Allura nodded in agreement. Coran les them to the train. Almost all of the compartments were full. They sat down in the very back. A boy stumbled in. "Can I sit here?" He asked.

Lance stumbled into the compartment, breathing heavily. Man, that trunk was heavy. "Can I sit here?" He asked.
The pretty blond girl nodded. "I'm Lance," he said, introducing himself.
The pretty blond girl was Allura. A tall, orange haired boy was Coran. A boy with a yellow shirt so bright it hurt to look at was apparently Hunk and a smaller boy with large round glasses and light brown hair was Pidge. Lance sat down next to Hunk. Someone else walked in just as the train started moving. A pale, raven haired boy stood awkwardly in the entrance. "Everywhere else is full. Do you mind if i sit with you guys?"
Hunk stared. "I...I know you!" He exclaimed.
The dark haired boy stared. "You're the boy from Ollivander's!" Hunk said.
The boy's eyes widened. "Oh! Right! You're Hunk!"
Hunk nodded. "Guys, that's Keith," he said pointing at the other boy.
Hunk introduced Keith to all of them. "And that's Lance," he finished.
Keith nodded and took an empty seat by the door. Lance studied the boy. He was a bit shorter than Lance, his hair was a bit long, reaching halfway to his shoulders. Keith was quite pale and skinny. His eyes... Lance breathed in sharply. His eyes were a purplish color but they seemed to shine. Their color shifted from a dark plum to a pale violet color and other shades. They were easily one of the most beautiful things Lance had ever seen. Keith noticed Lance staring. Lance blushed and looked away. Keith was about to say something when someone poked their head into the compartment. It was a boy. He had an odd hairstyle, with one tuft reaching down his forehead. The tuft seemed more blond than the rest of the boys dark hair. "Hi. I'm Shiro. Just checking to make sure everything's all right."
Shiro walked in and looked around. He took the last empty seat, across from Keith. In the small space, their legs were almost touching. Shiro had a Prefect's badge pinned to his robes. "Oh right! We have to change into our robes!" Lance remembered.
Allura and, for some reason, Pidge left to change. When everyone was finished they sat down. Pidge looked at everyone. "So, I'm going to think of you guys as my friends—"
Pidge was rudely interrupted by a boy, bursting in. "Shiro!" The boy exclaimed.
He looked a lot like Pidge. "Oh my god, Matt!" Pidge exclaimed.
"Hey Katie!" The boy, Matt, replied.
Everyone was silent. "Katie?" Hunk asked.
Pidge winced. "I was getting to that. You guys probably mistook me for a dude. I'm actually a girl. My real is Katie but I use my middle, Pidge, most of the time,"
Everyone nodded or smiled or something. Lance found him staring absentmindedly at Keith again. The train lurched to a stop.
"We're here!" Pidge exclaimed.
"What house do you think you'll be in?" Allura wondered.
"I'm a Hufflepuff!" Coran said, proudly.
"I'm a Ravenclaw," Shiro and Matt said in union.
"My brother, Dan, is a Slytherin but my sister, Margot, is a Ravenclaw," Lance said, shrugging.
Keith was silent. Hunk smiled. Everyone filed out of the train. "Firs' years over here!" A gruff voice called.
A tall man stood holding a lantern was gesturing over his shoulder. "Bye guys," Shiro said, leaving with Coran and Matt.
All of the first years, including Hunk, Pidge, Lance, and Keith, followed the man on a dirt road towards a lake. Small boats floated gently at the docks. "Fer those of yeh who don' know, I'm Hagrid. Now, each boat holds four people. Come on now!" The tall man said.
Pidge, Lance, Hunk, and Keith climbed into a boat. All at once, the boats started gliding smoothly through the water. They neared the castle, and everyone gasped in awe, staring at the massive structure. The boats stopped, and the children stepped into hallway where a man was waiting. "Come now. Follow me." He said.
The man led them up many flights of stairs and into a cupboard in an entrance hall so grand it gave Hunk vertigo. "Now, before you are sorted, know there are four houses..." the guy explained. When he was done, he led them into the 'Great Hall'. All of the other students were quiet. The first years whispered nervously amongst themselves. The man, who they had learned was Professor Longbottom, the herbology teacher, brought up a stool with an old hat. For a second, everything was quiet. Then, the hat burst into song. (I'm too lazy to actually write a song. Sorry.) When the Sorting hat was finished it's song, everyone began to clap. They quieted back down when Professor Longbottom held up a scroll. "The Sorting Ceremony will now begin."

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