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'Hawks' left, and the Heroine called 'Midnight' dragged him back.

"You're not going to sleep, Hawks." He groaned. He looked fine, but I guess that he was lazy at times.

"So what would you want?" The hybrid said. Apparently his name was 'Nezu'.

"Hmm..." I thought about it for a few minutes. I grinned after a while.

"If I can live as normal a life possible, I'll accept what you throw at me." Nezu nodded, and 'No. 1 Hero' also nodded, then coughed out blood and became a skeleton-looking man. My eyes widened a little in surprise in what he had become.

"Huh??? What the hell!?"

"Sorry about this; it happens normally."

"What? You coughing out blood or becoming a skeleton in a cloud of 'poof'?"

"Both actually..." He said as he turned his head away.

"..." My mouth was open, not wanting to deal with his ridiculous answers.

"Anyway, can I go now?"

"No." Midnight said, bluntly.


"I said no. Did you not hear me?"

"No I did. But why can I not leave?" The Heroine named Mt. Lady chirped in.

"If you go out as you are, people will just think that you are a suspect of a mass murder."

"Ah...that's true."

"And people will try to apprehend you."


"And people will most likely call us saying that you are the massacre suspect and tell us to capture you."

"Rrggg..." I felt like I had gotten three arrows stuck in my chest and head.

"So, we are going on TV in about three minutes to tell them that you are innocent."

"Okay. So am I supposed to go on too?"

"If you want to prove that you are truly an innocent child then you should."

"Like a nice pure child that had run away from the scene in fear, ran away because I didn't know the heroes because my parents had died, and just had to fight back because I was attacked by someone?"

"Sure, I guess that's what you want to show in a nutshell." Another man said as he came in. He had long, messy black hair and long cloth acting as a scarf around his neck.

"Eraserhead?" His eyes widened when he heard me say his hero name.

"How do you know that it's me?"

"I just do, I guess." I said, shrugging.

"..." He was quiet in shock. Another person came in, telling them that it was almost time to start.

"Okay. You can come in when I tell you too." I looked up at Mt. Lady with sparkles in my eyes, and acted like an innocent child.

"Yay! I can be on TV!! That's so cool!! I can already act like a cute child, right?" I said, doing a beaming smile, while the other Heroes looked at me in shock and love. Shock because of my sudden mood change and Love because of how cute I was.

Mt. Lady walked out of the room, apparently because she was the person who was going to speak in front of the camera. I snuck into the room, got caught by the camera, but not giving a fuck. Literally. I then walked up to Mt. Lady after she finished my introduction and description. I pulled on her leg and put my arms up, telling her to lift me. She put me in her arms and showed me to the camera. I ended up sneezing, turning away from her when I did.

"This is Izuku Midoriya, the boy who used to be the prime suspect of that massacre in the small apartment building." When she said that I put a sad expression on, and had tears in my eyes. I bit my bottom lip. "His only family was in that massacre, so he is left with no home and no family to care for him. Because of this, we have temporarily taken him in, but we want him to have an actual family, isn't that right, Izuku?" When she asked me that, I looked up at her and beamed brightly.

"Is there lots of people watching?" I asked.

"Yes, there is. You might not be able to see them, but they can see you perfectly fine." I pouted.

"Of course I can't see them!! All I can see is a camera!!" I puffed my cheeks out as I looked back up at her face. I then saw Aizawa walking past the door. Mt. Lady was talking again, but I didn't care.

"AIZA-SAN!!!" He flinched.


"Huh? Izuku? OH!" She was confused at my sudden outburst when she saw Aizawa.

"Come here!!" I called out to Aizawa, and he reluctantly came to me. I put my arms out and leaned towards him, wanting him to carry me.

"H-hey!!" He yelped as I landed on his chest. I beamed at him.

"..." He blushed slightly at my actions. He looked calmer now that he had me in his arms.

"We have been told by this boy himself that he was not the one who killed the people; he was walking around because his parents had told him to go outside. He was walking around when he saw the building covered in blood and was going to contact the nearest police or hero, but couldn't find any. He had run away because he was scared and didn't know who we were. The picture that we had put on the big screen was a picture of another child whom pretended he was him and photoshopped the picture so it would look like Izuku and his Quirk. The reason he fought Hawks was because he was attacked and had to protect himself. That was the reason of why he saved Hawks when he was in a dangerous situation."

I kept doing many different things while she was talking, so I was sure that the people watching were at least watching me.

"So if you want to see if he would like to be a part of your family, please call the number below. I beamed at the camera once again.

"Wait...are we saying goodbye to everyone?"

"Well we are about to end."

"Well, BYE-BYE EVERYBODY!!" I said in a really childish voice. She smiled, and when I turned around, Aizawa looked happy for the first time. The red light on the camera turned off, but I kept my kiddy attitude on.

"You can go down if you want to now..."

"You look like you like it when you're holding me though!!" I pouted. He did a pure smile. All the other Heroes were shocked.

"Does he not smile?" I ask, curious.

"He smiles, yes, but it's not pure, like just now." He was blushing madly at his own action.

"Shaddup." I giggled, showing more of my pure side. I was learning more things about 'Heroes' and I was getting more used to them. At least I didn't talk to them like trash anymore. The only Hero that I talk to like a normal person is Aizawa. I actually like him. He is different from the rest of them, he seems to not care about the fact that he does some things a 'Villain' does. That makes me like him, too.

"Do you like it when you're with me, Aiza-san? Cuz' I actually enjoy it."

"I guess I do..." Everyone else in the room gasped. He didn't care about anyone else's presence around him, for him to live with someone's presence is amazing in itself, only a couple of people get that type of relationship with him. But if he actually liked when I was there, that's something nobody else could do. I beamed at him once again, and he smiled back at me.

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