part 16

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my promise to you isnt that you will not fall, but rather when you do ill help pick you up. my promise to you isnt a lifetime full of happiness, but a world full of color, and a paint brush to cover the grey. my promise to you isnt that youll never feel sad, but that when you do ill do everything in my power to make you laugh, and to help you feel okay again as soon as possible. my promise to you isnt a love where nothing goes wrong, but a love that has enough trust and respect to not let arguments cause earthquakes. my promise to you is that on days where color goes away, ill imvite you over and give endless hugs and kisses and support. my promise to you is to make you feel the tiniest bit better on the days where the world feels like its falling down. i know i cannot make everything go away. but i can promise to do my best to make sure it doesnt stay.

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