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The person that usually sat by Corbyn walked up. "I think you're in my seat." She said looking at Corbyn but talking to me. "Actually she's gonna be sitting here for the rest of the year!" Corbyn said as he pulled me into a hug from behind. "Ah!" I screamed a little bit. He chuckled as he let go of me, "Sorry." I smiled and turned to face him, "It's ok." He smiled back. When I turned back around the girl was in my face. "Leave him alone! He's mine!" She said then stormed off making her hot pink heels click on the floor.

"Ok then." I said as I turned to face the front. "What?" Corbyn asked. "She told me to stay away from you and that you're hers." I told him still a little confused. "She likes me but it won't work (WE TRY TO FIX IT IT NEVER WORKS) because I don't like her. She's way too girly for my taste." He said. "Oh ok." I said still not fully understanding the situation. "Hey do you mind if I get your number? I mean you are my friend." He said as he held his pocket where his phone was. "Sure!" I said as he got out his phone and handed it to me. I gave my phone to him so he could put his number in my phone too.

I put my name in his phone as 'Nora🖤 aka girl who bumped into you.' We gave each other's phones back and he put his name in my phone as 'Corbitch 🤓🤓 aka nerd.' I chuckled at what he put as his name. "Corbitch?" I asked still chuckling a little. "Yep!" He smiled. "Alright class settle down. We have 4 students transferring to this class. This is Zach, Jack, Jonah, and Daniel." The teacher said. "Trust me we know who they are!" Some kid yelled from the back. Me and Corbyn looked at each other.

All of them walked over to us. Then Corbyn pulled my chair closer to his. "Hey sexy." Zach, I think his name is, said. "Bye ugly." I said back as Corbyn chuckled a little. Zach's friends all said, "Ooohhhh." Then they all sat down beside me. The entire class they kept calling me hot and sexy. At the end of the class the teacher said, "The last thing for today is you have to have a partner for the project I mentioned earlier." Everyone looked at Corbyn.

"No! I will be picking your partners." The teacher said making everyone look away from Corbyn and sigh sadly. He sighed and looked at me, "I was gonna pick you." He whispered. I smiled slightly. The teacher called out the names of everyone but me and Corbyn. "Now does someone not have a partner other than Corbyn?" She asked. I slowly raised my hand. "Ok Nora you are partners with Corbyn." She said as I put my hand down. Me and Corbyn looked at each other and smiled. "Well I'm your partner anyways." I said smiling. "Yep!" He said smiling adorably.

"That smile was so cute

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"That smile was so cute." I said blushing a little. He blushed too, "Heh, thanks!" "Alright everyone has a partner you will be doing the project on your own time. Class dismissed, go home." The teacher said. Oh yeah I forgot to say that it was the end of my College classes for the day. "Do you have a class after this?" I asked Corbyn as we stood up and started to walk to the front. "Yeah, I have one more. After my class we can work on our project." He said. When we got to the front of the class the teacher stopped Corbyn.

"Your schedule was changed Corbyn. Here is your new one. Your math and science are the only ones that are the same." She explained giving Corbyn a piece of paper. He walked over to me, "I do not have another class." "Wait really?! Let me see your schedule." I said. He handed it to me and I looked at it. "We have every class together." I said looking up at his face. "Awesome! Now I can actually have a friend I hang out with all the time." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked confused at what he said. "I don't have any other friends. Everyone knows that I use to be apart of that group. The one with the guy that did the thing to you."

"Oh, well I don't think your were in your right mind then. Who would wanna be friends with them?" I asked trying to cheer him up. He smiled a little, "Yeah! I'm so glad your my friend!" "I am too! Now where do you wanna go to work on the project??" I asked. "Your place? My roommates are really messy." He said as we walked outside. I took off my white playboy hoodie that I had on to reveal my plain black crop top. I tied my hoodie around my high waisted black ripped jeans. I also had on black and white checkered vans.

"I thought girls weren't allowed to wear crop tops." Corbyn said a little confused. "why do you think I wore my hoodie?" I asked. "Oh." "Oh and yeah we can go to my dorm, I don't have roommates." I said as I started to walk to my dorm building. "Well I have 1 roommate I guess. My dog!" I added. Corbyn smiled, "I love dogs! What's their name?" "I actually never really named her, I always called her bean. She's a pomsky." (If you don't know what that is it's a mix between a Pomeranian and a husky) "That's cute." He said smiling.

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