I am so bored

71 1 44

Well... Looks like I gave up on this book... So NOOOOOOOWWWW.. It's a book of random... Or a book about me or some stuff like that .


I guess

I'll tell you about myself?


I like the outsiders, and the karate kid, and basically any old movie.

My fav Disney movie is Mulan.

My fav song is probably stay gold by Stevie wonder( I would like that to be the song I slow dance to at my wedding ... Who am I kidding, I'll probably never get married and have 4000 books in a small house alone.)

I hate caramel. Yes... I really do.

I would like to were my converse to homecoming.

I hate my teeth.

My eyes are a weird brown green that can get a little grey in them sometimes

My eyes were grey as a baby

I'm the only child in my family that has brown hair and brown eyes, the rest has blue eyes and blonde hair .

I hate the smell and taste of artificial blue berries.

Normal cerial like xaptin crunch and cherios. And all that jazz make me have a short temper and makes me have head aches

Me and my mom somehow got the same scare in the same place, but from diferent things when we were the same age.
Ok so to brake it down... When i was 10 i ran into the tale gate of a truck that was detachet and on the end of a bball hoop, and i got a scar on my shin, and my mom got a scar on her shin ON THE SAME LEG when she was ten.

I look like my moms best friend and i have the same conditions as him, and i look like his daughter... But he died 4 years before i was born

I am afraid of alot of things, but what im most afraid ofis,
Well it might soud silly, but

Im afraid of loseing someone to close, i really dont like to get to know most people.

My favorite color, thats defimetlly a blue jean blue, its so pretty. If people count gold as a color then that would be my fav.

If i could be anywhere instead of being at school, i would be at the beach, or in the trees at my park.

If i could live anywhere. I would live in tulsa Oklahoma

I donr belive in love at first sight... Its just... You cant just look at someone and be in love...like? Maybe, but not love.

My birth stone is a pearl.

I love to sing and dance... Not in front of people of course... The only person ive ever sang to is my sister. And maybe my other sister, but shes rude and she told me i suck so i belive her.

Whenever im lying around, ill just randomly feel a tear slip down my cheek, i have no idea why. I honestly realy dont

I LOVE spongebob!!ik its a bit cleche' but idc!

When i smile iput a handover my mouth cuz my teeth are weird and people give me a hard time about it.

I am afraid of rejection.

I am NOT afraid to throw a punch or two for my friends

I had a black eye on valentines day.

Im a COMPLETE klutz. Yet somehow thats not how i got my black eye.

I like to watch sunsets


My2nd favorite song is smile by uncle cracker.

I know how to moon walk thanks to my BEST FRIEND!! #PBDBDforlife

To me OML means oh my lobster

And i made GOOF an acronym... At least i think thats what its called. Anyways it means : GOOF ( great orange octogonal flamingo)


Peace Grease,
Dont forget to do it for Johnny,
And most importantly...

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