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I sat in my AP Chemistry class, head in hand

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I sat in my AP Chemistry class, head in hand. Staring blankly at the board as our teacher went on about whatever. A yawn crept up on me, and of course my natural instinct was to let it escape. "Am I boring you, Mr. Cambridge?" My eyes followed the voice, to the left of the room. Meeting Mr. Sidlin's gaze.

"Huh?" I felt all eyes on me which only made things worse. "Am I b-" Before he could finish, the door swung open saving me from possible embarrassment.
Jabari and Troy, per usual walked in 40 minuteds late. "Mr. Lovett and Mr. Hagans, glad you can make it." The sarcasm evident in Sidlin's tone made some of the students in the class giggle.

"You're Welcome, Bruh." Jabari spoke as he started making his way towards a seat. "Don't take a seat just yet." A small smile formed on Sidlin's face. My eyes rolled already knowing he had something up his sleeve. "Now that the whole class is here. We're going to try and complete this lab, for the remainder of the period." He said while still keeping that smile.
"Oh, and I already made a list of who's working with who."

Everyone in the class groaned, while I just sat there unbothered by it all. Because, either way I'll probably end up doing all the work. I watched Mr. Sidlin the entire time as he walked to his desk to get that said list.

As he called names, a few people sucked there teeth. "Bitch, I don't wanna work with you either." One girl shouted across the room. "Hey language." Sidlin paused before continuing. "Hayden and.." He paused againg, I guess tryna give some kind of dramatic effect this time. Or He couldn't read his own hand writing. It was six of us left to be paired, now who was my-

"Hayden, and Jabari." I thought my eyes fell from my head as I rolled them. That had to be the hardest eye roll ever performed. I honestly can't tolerate him today of all days.  Our eyes lock for a moment, before he rolled his. "Okay, the supplies are in the tubs on that table." He points to a table on the right side of the room. "

Each pairing gets one of everything, and the directions will be on the board in a minute. If you need anything, holler." While Jabari did whatever he did best, I made my way over to the right side of the classroom.

"That's unfair the fag gets to work with Jabari." I heard a girls failed attempt at whispering. "And it's unfair, your parents conceived you. Just the look of you makes me want to claw my eyes out." I gave here a smile while making my way back to my seat.

Jabari, sat at the table with a bag of Doritos opened now, I guess reading the directions on the board. "Can you put the chips away, please.? You know how Sidlin gets." Letting a sigh escape while putting the supplies on the table. He just glanced at me before turning his attention back to the board.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2018 ⏰

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