Crows driving

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- Nina drives very erratically. She will usually hit at least one sign or tree or other car while driving, and on occasions decides to park and ends up driving on the sidewalk. Never drives at the speed limit, doesn't even bother to read the signs.

- Matthias sticks exactly to the speed limit, never above or below, doesn't succumb to road rage and is generally the perfect driver.

- Jesper drives like a maniac, never anywhere near the speed limit and he never gets pulled over for speeding for fear that he'll run into a building.

- Wylan doesn't have a license yet.

- Inej speeds, and she has fierce road rage. If there's a car going too slow in front of her, she'll lay on the horn and yell curses at them. She has no qualms about ramming other cars if they're not letting her past, unless of course she's driving Kaz's car. Then she'll just honk at them.

- Kaz drives at whatever speed he wants to. He doesn't get road rage, but he doesn't like when other cars don't go fast enough, so he had some modifications made to his car's horn and now it makes a much louder, more annoying sound. His car is very recognizable when he wants it to be, so when drivers realize it's him they stop being annoying and let him through.

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