"I dont even know who i am without you"

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A/n songs don't usually have anything to do with said prompts. Usually they're just songs I enjoy some triggers in this one, mentions of homophobia, being gay in the 40s, suicide and bullying, stuff like that but don't worry guys this one shot is happy

The clicking of keys on a computer sounded throughout the room. He'd been none stop researching it, reading and just breathing it in, it was legal, gay people were legally allowed to marry. It was a shock to the man- since originally living in the 40s. You'd get probed, beat up, shocked, and even, killed. Or go through restless bullying and end up taking your own life. Steve knew this all too well. He was never interested in the dames bucky had managed to score them, only thing he could think about was how well bucky looked in that goddamn suit. "Jesus Steve- it's almost 4 am! Have you slept at all?" Came the tired -but equally concerned- voice from his best friend, Sam Wilson. The sound of the other male in the room made steve finally look at the clock. 3:45am. Oops.

"Yeah- yeah I'm good just uh- Sam? How long has.. yanno, uh gay marriage been a thing?" He squeaked out, nervous his friend would hate him.

"Since 2015" the answer was simple enough, now being 2018. "Why?"

"Nothing really just- uh,, wasn't sure it would ever be legal" with that Sam couldn't help but chuckle.

"Things have changed, a lot from the 40s" he said before pausing. "Why? Do you have a crush on anyone?"  Steve generally wasn't sure, did he have a crush on bucky? Of course he did- but it wasn't a crush at this point it was almost an obsession- of course he wouldn't go all stalker on him.

"Yeah- I guess I do" he sighed, looking at the picture of him and bucky above the computer, them being in their uniforms, back when they fought together. Steve generally hoped they could once more, if the other avengers accepted him.. he was dangerous with a weapon and could be a asset to the team. If Sam guessed who it was he didn't press, instead nodding, and moving to leave the room.

"Nice, and Steve? Sleep." With that the male was gone and Steve groaned, wanting to sleep desperately.

"Yeah yeah" he mumbled, moving to the fire escape next to his window, sitting and watching the night before him. "Goddammit bucky, what are you doing to me" tilting his head back and closing his eyes, the sounds of New York leading him into sleep.


"Hey Steve?" Bucky called out, looking into the blonds room. Seeing the window open and Steve outside, he rushed over. The blond looked exhausted, and not in a good way, like he hadn't slept in three years. Bucky didn't want to be nosey, but had saw the computer and wanted to ask about it, he did like the other- but didn't trust himself. What if he woke up in the middle of the night and went all assassin. It wasn't worth the risk. The blond opened his eyes, peering back into the window before climbing in to land on the ottoman.

"Shit- what time is it" he mumbled rubbing his eyes like a child.

"Almost 5 at night- came to check up on ya, they were all worried" he admitted.

"I'm good just uh- didn't really sleep last night" he sighed, before being pulled into a hug.

"Sorry- I just- i-" Bucky trailed off but not before steve reached down, kissing his lips softly. The two kissed in sync, moving together as if they were made for each other.

"God dammit bucky I- i love you" he sighed before looking at the others eyes.

"Steve- I can't- we can't! What if I go all crazy and hurt you!"

"I don't care!" Steve snapped. "I don't even know who I am without you! I love you, I've loved you since the fucking 40s!" He cried out, desperate for the other.

"Steve Rodgers- I fucking love you to" and with that the pair laid in the bed, just finally holding each other. No more pushing away feelings. Just love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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