Chapter 8

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Whilst a few hugs may have been enough to shut up Ryan, at least temporarily, the rest of the house weren't going to be as easy to tackle. Tyler and Jody were the talking point of the house. News soon got round that Jody wasn't dating Brandon anymore. It had been a rather awkward phone call, Jody hadn't quite known what to say but she had reassured Brandon that they could still be sparring partners at the gym. Her phone call had been overheard by Floss and Finn and within five minutes the whole house knew. It also didn't go unnoticed that Tyler and Jody were even closer than usual, especially after Taz let slip that Ryan had caught the pair hugging in the garden. Floss even instigated another pretend wedding with Joseph and Taz playing the parts of Tyler and Jody but Mike soon put a stop to that. Meanwhile Candi rose followed Jody around spouting relationship advice from one of her trashy magazines. Alex and Jay kept making silly remarks and kissing noises whenever Tyler walked passed. The more they were wound up by the other residents, the more awkward things got between Jody and Tyler, they could barely even say hello to each other without someone making a silly comment or oooohing or aaaahing.

Tyler could hardly wait for his weekend visit to his mum's but this time it wasn't because he was looking forward to seeing her, it was because he wanted to escape the mad house, get away from the silly comments and being stared at by the other residents every time he was around Jody.

After a few hours with his mum he had all but forgotten about the awkwardness at the DG. He had helped his mum cook a veggie stir fry, it was actually quite fun chopping things up and chucking them in the wok . Tyler pretended to be a TV chef, providing a running commentary of the food preparation and his mum's cooking skills.

Later they settled down to watch a film. It was Jurassic Park, one of his all time favourites. He had watched it dozens of times with Jody at the DG. His mum dozed off after the first ten minutes. Tyler started to miss Jody, everytime there was a scary bit he was reminded of Jody jumping out of her skin and  the time that she had jumped so violently that she had the thrown the popcorn all over the floor. Tyler had teased her mercilessly about it for weeks.
The film ended and Tyler switched off the TV. He pulled a blanket over his mum who was sound asleep and then crept out of the room and went to bed.

He messaged jody:

Hope your OK. Just watched Jurassic Park, wasn't the same without you spilling popcorn everywhere :/

I'm OK. Wish I could of watched JP with you. Had a boring evening here.

Miss you Jody.

Miss you too Ty

Goodnight x

Night xxx

Tyler stared at his phone screen. There was so much more he wanted to say but he didn't know where to begin. He missed Jody so much, much more than he usually did when he was away... Things seemed to be changing, all these feelings and emotions, it seemed so much more complicated than it used to be.

When Tyler returned to the DG the following afternoon Jody practically threw herself at him. Tyler was just as pleased to see her and enveloped her in a big hug. Jody was soon chattering ten to the dozen as she followed Tyler upstairs.

Does she ever draw breathe? Asked candi rose incredulously as she and Chloe watch Tyler and Jody disappear upstairs

Chloe laughed and they continued on their way to the kitchen.

Upstairs Tyler and Jody had reached Tylers room. Tyler was unpacking and Jody was standing in the doorway telling him all about an argument between Sasha and Floss that had occurred the night before after Floss had borrowed some of Sasha's art supplies.

Tyler laughed as Jody described how Sasha had got really angry when she found out the Floss had used up some of her new paints to paint a picture of Jeff

Anyway how was your weekend? Asked Jody

Oh, you know, fine. Same as usual really

Bet it was way better than being stuck here with us lot

I guess so replied Tyler

Oh good Tyler! You're back! Exclaimed Floss stopping on her way past

Er. Hi Floss replied Tyler a little confused why Floss would be so happy to see him

So basically Candi rose and I were talking and she reckons you two would have your wedding at a registry office but I said you'd defo get married in a church. So which is it?



We're just friends. There's not going to be a wedding, ever, now please go away and leave us alone

Alright no need to be so touchy responded Floss and walked off

Seriously, could things get any crazier laughed Tyler

Oh, you haven't heard the half of it, they haven't stopped all weekend said Jody through gritted teeth

Jody there's something I wanted to talk you about said Tyler summoning up the courage to explain to Jody how he felt

Oh ok

You know how we are close, really close


We've been best mates for like, I dunno... 5 years

6 and a half actually

Sorry, 6 and a half years. It seems like a lifetime, I guess it practically is really

Yeah, I guess so

Well, recently things have changed. Brandon asking you out, it kinda made me think about things differently. I realised that we're growing up and what we've got, this friendship, this connection, is really important to me. I cant imagine life without you, I cant imagine a time where you aren't the first person I see in the morning and the last person I talk to before I go to sleep. I know that when I leave this place, I want to leave with you and have a future with you.

I want a future with you too said Jody and took hold of his hand

Good, Im glad we both feel the same. But I also don't want to ruin things by rushing into anything and the atmosphere in the house these last few days, the awkwardness between us, its horrible.

I know, it sucks

So I was thinking that, for now, we stay just as best friends. We have our whole future together to take things further. All this romantic stuff, it just gets in the way of us being, well, us.

Yeah I guess your right replied Jody. She wanted to scream and shout and say he was wrong. That it didn't matter what anybody else said or did. She had gone through every emotion in the last few minutes from bursting with love and happiness, to disappointed, angry and heartbroken. While she completely understood Tyler's reasons, she hated the constant teasing and comments from the other kids as much as he did, she also didn't want to be just friends. Brandon asking her out had changed everything, she had suddenly felt happy and confident in herself and also confident that Tyler might see her as more than a friend, as Brandon had done. Now Tyler had admitted it, and they had even kissed a few days ago, but Tyler was willing to be just friends for the time being for the sake a simpler and more peaceful life at Ashdene Ridge. 

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