Chapter One

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You grabbed your coat as you rushed out the door. You were going to be late for college again and this time you had no way of getting out of it! You ran down the street, ran slashing on your raincoat hood. Your suede boots soaked through all ready. You waved your arms, and of course a New York yellow cab pulled over instantly, you jumped in getting out of the rain. The cab driver asked where you wanted to go and you explained to him. He had messy brown hair and green eyes, he looked a bit messy in his ripped jeans and old shirt but never the less, he was your cab driver! The car began to move slowly but almost instantly it stopped to let someone else in... Really? Now? Of all times it could be it had to be in a day you were running late??!!

You started to speak "sorry, I really need to be somewhere can we speed this up?"

"Petrol prices are going up chickie. I can't afford to waste this previous drop!' the cabbie replied, you huffed in response. You did consider offering him more money but you just shook your stuffiness away as to door opposite you opened. A blonde boy climbed into the back seat next to you, he smiled and said hey as he sat down and strapped himself in, you smiled back. You couldn't help but blush as the convocation rose whilst the can sled down the road. He asked you some questions about yourself and the he explained who he was, Niall Horan. This boy was very attractive and much to your type, but you shook those thought a out of your head, why would a good looking guy like him go for someone like you, yea you were the cheerleader captain but there was nothing really very special about you. Plus you had only just met him! He interrupted your thoughts, " so where are you headed anyways?" he questioned, Heatherswood College, I'm training to be a nurse, but not running on time today" you chuckled. "Really?" He replied, "that's where I am going too!! I am starting a new course on song writing and taking special singing exams with my guitar. His voice was raspy and you liked it, you smiled to yourself - happy that you would be seeing this hottie more often!

"Um well I guess you don't know your way around then?" you asked hesitantly.

Niall shook his head, his blonde hair flicked across his forehead, it was a gorgeous blonde but you looked at the roots and realised it was naturally brown, you tried to picture him in your head with brown hair, but then he looked at you, his blue eyes shined straight through you and made your heart beat twice as fast.

"Well" you started "I'm sure Mrs Henderson wouldn't mind me missing some of geography if I were taking a new boy around?"

"Sure sounds good" Niall replied, " it would be nice walking around with such a beautiful girl..."

You blushed and Niall chuckled.

"God, get a room!" yelled the cabbie. you laughed a little and Niall look awkward, but thankfully your journey had come to an end and you had finally arrived at college! You got out the car and started to count out your money, but before you knew a hand was over yours and Niall had paid for the both of you. The cab sped off and you and Niall walked towards the school. You noticed Niall was wearing a Jersey top. "well at least dad won't mind if I go out with this one!" you thought to yourself. When you reached your lockers you noticed a poster about the upcoming pep rally. you walked over to look at it.

"Are you a cheerleader?" Niall asked hopefully.

"Yea the head" you said proudly with a grin.

His eyes widened, "nice!" he said "is there a soccer team I can join anywhere around here?"

"Yea, there is a school group, I can show you later if you like, there is a tournament soon, maybe you could be part of that?"

"Yes that sounds brilliant" Niall replied.

When you got to class you pointed to where Niall had to go, fortunately his classroom was only down the corridor from yours... you said goodbye and turned around, but you felt someone tug on your arm.

"Can I have your number? like... just incase u get lost?" you sighed , giggling and jotted it on his arm before you both went to your separate lessons.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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