Chapter 1

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Kim Taehyung

I landed on my bottom, on earth, in the apartment I rented, more like stole with my aegyo. I grab on into the edge of the loveseat and pulled myself up. I dusted myself and glanced at the picture sitting on my coffee table. In the picture was me and my older sister Jennie. The picture showed me and Jennie at the bottom of the staircaise in our castle. We had just finished sliding down the very dusty castle banisters and Jennie decided to take a pic.

Shuffling over to the fridge I opened it in hope for some food. Empty. Great! Now I have to go buy some food.

I reached into my back pocket in my black jeans. I pulled out my phone,keys,and finally my wallet. In the process of pulling it out, Jennie's Space-time key fell out in the process. With a clank, it lands on the cold-marbled floor. Sighing I pick it up and put it on a chain and clasped it around my neck. Tucking the key into my shirt and shivering at the cold metal at my skin, I slip on my shoes and shut the door behind me. Pressing the down button on the elevetor I waited impatiently for it to come . A guy noticed me shifting anxiously and questioned where I was going.

"I'm going to the grocery store, "I replied.

"Same." Said the guy. "I'm Yoongi, Min Yoongi. Jin sent me to get ingredients for the food he is making for dinner."
"I'm Kim Taehyung!" Yoongi ignores my outburst and reaches in his jacket pocket and pulls out a list. He then unravels it, the list was about 1 metre long.  Yoongi's eyes widen at the list. He then starts muttering under his breath as we both walk into the elevator.

"What the fuck is a Jack fruit? Where do I get the freaking bok choy? " Yoongi keeps muttering "Jungkook's handwriting is here as well, he wants me to get....toilet paper? Tf?" Yoongi keeps scrolling down his list. " Namjoon wants a pack gotta be kidding me.... condoms?" I snorted covering my mouth to hide my laughter. " Jimin wants a cucumber. What is he gonna use it for anyway? And Hobi wants....a lightbulb." Yoongi finishes reading his list and stares at me in defeat.

I laugh and offer to carry some of his groceries back with him. We walk to the nearest grocery store, opened the door and held it for Yoongi behind me. He grinned a gummy smile and we both walked inside. Yoongi grabbed a cart for us to share together. We started walking down the produce while talking together.  Me pushing and Yoongi dragging the cart. I found out that Yoongi lived with 5 other grown men beside my apartment and he lost to a game that made him go get the groceries. He also promised to introduce me to them later.

Time skip

We were walking down the the dimly lit sidewalks laughing and hooting about with our arms full of grocery bags. After riding the elevator, Yoongi knocks on the door. You can hear chaos happening inside. Yoongi mutters an apology about how noisy they are and I mention that me and my sister were like this as well. We then hear several footsteps coming towards the door. Along with some roasting conversation.

"Hyung! Can I open the door?" The footsteps get faster. "Sorry shortie"

A guy with a cute baby face opens the door. In the background, you can hear someone shouting. "Be nice Kook!". Jungkook, I'm assuming cause of the nick name, yells back. "Yes Eomma Jin"

Jungkook lays his eyes on me. "Who's this, Suga? "

Yoongi places a hand on my shoulder. "Taehyung, this is Jungkook. Jungkook, this Taehyung." A blond suddenly appears at the door. "You must be the shortie that Jungkook was talking about." I commented. "Yah! I'm not short!" Responded the blond. Jungkook just gave him the "are you sure about that" look.

"So kook, are you gonna stand there or help me and Taehyung with these bags?" Asks Yoongi motioning to the bags hanging on both our hands with his head. "Oh, sorry!"

Jungkook takes all of Yoongi's bags leaving me to follow with mine. I had already dropped my bags at my apartment. So I follow Jungkook to the kitchen.

A broad shouldered guy stood over a chopping board chopping onions. He then rushes over to the simmering pot on the stove to stir it. "You can put that over there." He points to the empty counter. We both plunk our heavy groceries on the counter.

"Hey Jin!" A mumble came from him. "This is Taehyung!"

Jin looks at me. "Nice to meet you!" He grins "Have you met the others yet?"

"I've met Yoongi,Jungkook,you and that blond who I'm assuming it's Jimin because he's looking for his cucumber in the bag right now."

Jin shifts his gaze to Jimin who had somehow snuck in and was digging through the bags pulling out everything carelessly. "Nooooo!" Screams Jin "That's my Bok Choy!" He then shoos him away and out the kitchen door

"Why do you care about that green piece of bullshit?" Mutters Yoongi but we all could hear him clearly. "We had to look for that stupid thing everywhere."

"Language, Yoongi" yells Jin. He turns to me. "I'm sorry about his vulgar language."

I laugh heartily. "It's okay."

"Join us for dinner will you?"


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