"I can't handle this boy!" Griffen yelled as he stormed over to the others in the back of the cafeteria. Raven was no where to be seen, and Slyth wasn't paying attention, Huffle was the only one that looked generally worried. 

"What do you mean Griff?" He black hair was covering her face and she fought it so it would go to her back.

"He made friends with the Granger girl an done of the Weasle boys. And it as only been a week and they've already made trouble!"

"Weasley." Slyth corrected not bothering to looked at Griffen. 

"Since when do you care?" Huffle poked Slyth's arm. 

"Buzz of rodent." Slyth growled and stomped through the door. Huffle sighed and crossed her arms rubbing her left bicep. 

"You know he doesn't mean it Huffle, he is just stressed out." Griffon placed his hand on Huffle's shoulder. 

"Yeah, I guess. I just wish I could calm him down like Raven. She's just so calm, only Slyth can get to her." Huffle laughed. "But I guess I have to look out for my house and leave Slyth to the Slytherins." Griffen simply nodded his head, and walked towards his table and sat down next to Harry, Huffle did the same with Cedric. 


Slyth walked into the library to find Raven in the middle of a wall of books, one on the floor that her bronze eyes were glued to. Until they looked up to see Slyth, and a small smile graced her face. "What did you do this time Slyth?" She laughed and sat up straight as Slyth sat down in front of her. 

"I snapped at Huffle, again." 

"And why would you ever do that? Was it the Malfoy kid?"

"Yeah, for some reason I just don't trust him. I know he's one of the snakes and all, but there's something in his blood that doesn't settle with me."

"Maybe it's because you're only the best of the Slytherin house, and maybe he's the worst part." Slyth blushed slightly and lowered his head, his long green/black hair covering his face. "His father is a death eater after all, he works for Tom, maybe you sense the evil energy from the blood. Or maybe it rubbed off on the Malfoy's son, but you have to follow your gut. Watch the troublemaker, if he is evil, send fluffy after him. You two seem to love each other."

"I can't just kill the kid Rave, you know what Dumbledore would do to me."

"I don't mean murder, I mean like a little scare."

"But what if the Potter kid and his friends go to Fluffy first, I knew that boys father, and the Weasley's family. They weren't exactly the bookworm sit still no trouble type." Raven glared at him. "Uh no offense on the bookworm part."

"It's fine."

"C'mon I know you better than that. What did I say wrong. Was it the bookworm part? If you want me to apologize you could just ask." 

"No, no. Slyth it's fine you don't have to-"

"I'm sorry." Raven gasp in nearly a whisper, she locked eyes with Slyth. Black against bronze.


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