Chapter 2

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They both went near the end of the cave to inspect the noise. A small pack of wolves was gathered at the front, and they immediately charged at Eva and Braelynn. Eva turned into her wolf form and fought most of them off, but one passed Eva and tackled Braelynn, leaving a scratch on her hand. Eva saw this happen and grabbed the wolf with her mouth, tossing it out of the cave. She turned back into a human and picked Braelynn up, quickly bandaging her hand Once they got back to the main cave. "I'm so sorry... are you ok?" Eva asked, holding her hand. "You don't need to apologize, I'm fine." Braelynn replied, smiling a little bit. "Okay, Good." Eva answered, also smiling. They stared into each other's eyes for a few moments, Eva tightening her grip on Braelynn's hand, avoiding her scratches. "It's getting late, we should probably call it a day." Eva finally said quietly, putting out the fire. Braelynn nodded and curled up in the blanket, immediately drifting off. Eva turned into a wolf and silently curled up around Braelynn to make her warm and for protection just in case something came in in the middle of the night.

The next morning, Eva woke up and looked down at Braelynn, who was still asleep. She was curled up in a ball, holding onto the blanket. Eva had to admit that she looked awfully cute like this, and watched over her until Braelynn finally woke up.
Later on, they both decided that it was probably time for Braelynn to get home. The snowstorm had ended and it wasn't as cold. As they walked, they passed the time by talking about random things like pets and kingdoms, then the subject of the royal ball came up. "You should totally come!" Braelynn grinned, making Eva also smile. "Hm...I don't know..." Eva pretended to contemplate just to tease Braelynn. "Pleeeeeasssse!" Braelynn begged, giving Eva puppy-dog eyes that she couldn't resist. "Of course I'm going, I was just teasing. Usually I wouldn't go, but now I have a reason to." Eva replied, making Braelynn's face turn pink.
Soon they were already at the kingdom, walking through the gates of where Braelynn lived, the castle. They walked in and Braelynn's parents ran up.
"Braelynn! Thank god you're ok! We were worried sick!" Braelynn's mother ran up, giving her a bear hug. "Well, it's all thanks to her, hehe." Braelynn responded, gesturing towards Eva. "Thank you so much... is there any way we could repay you?" Braelynn's father spoke up. "I did it under my own will, I don't need anything in exchange." Eva replied, trying to be as nice as she could.
Braelynn's parents walked off shortly after while Eva and Braelynn said their goodbyes. "Well, bye for now! I'll see you at the ball!" Braelynn smiled. Eva also smiled. "I'll see you then-." Eva grabbed Braelynn's hand and kissed it. "-princess." She finished, walking off. Braelynn's face turned completely red.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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